Agenda item

Climate Emergency Action Plan 2022/23

Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




1.    That Cabinet approve the Climate Emergency Action Plan in Appendix 1.


Consideration was given to the report which presented the updated Climate Emergency Action Plan 2022/23 which was attached at Appendix 1. The report also noted the progress towards the Council’s NZ30 and NZ40 targets and noted the progress against the action outlined within the updated Climate Emergency Action Plan. Also included in the report was a summary of the key updates and risk along with an outline of the next steps to be taken. This included the development of a longer term Climate Emergency Action Plan for 2023/24.


A progress summary was included at paragraph 2.13 of the report and included the following:


·        Successful recruitment of the Climate Change Delivery Team.

·        Improved utilisation of climate related data – this will further the understanding of carbon emission reductions and inform future actions taken to reach the NZ30 and NZ40 targets.

·        Successful negotiation of a change to the BDR contract that incentivises the contractor to divert more from landfill. As a result, the percentage of residual waste sent to landfill has decreased to 0.6%, meaning that 99.4% of waste is now diverted from landfill.

·        Initial pilot of Carbon Literacy Training complete, with a view to rolling this out to staff and Elected Members from the end of 2022 and into 2023.

·        Additional funding opportunities have been awarded. E.g., £1.5 million from Wave 1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

·        Established the housing stock emission baselines of Council-owned homes.


The next steps included the development of a new Climate Emergency Action Plan which would form part of the annual update that would be presented to Cabinet in March 2023. The Climate Change Project Board continued to meet monthly and continued to review and update that Action Plan.




That Cabinet approve the Climate Emergency Action Plan in Appendix 1.

Supporting documents: