Agenda item

Targeted Lung Health Checks

Presentation by Dr. Jason Page, Integrated Care Board



Consideration was given to a presentation by Dr. Jason Page, Clinical Director South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw, on Targeted Lunch Health Checks (THLC) in respect of bringing the TLHC programme to Rotherham communities. The presentation illustrated work by the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance to improve on cancer diagnosis and reduce the mortality of lung cancer. The presentation highlighted the following achievements and aims of the programme:


         NHS Long Term Plan; deliver ambition to diagnose 3 out of 4 people with cancer at an early stage by 2028.

         Phase 1: Doncaster first area in SYB Cancer Alliance to introduce Targeted Lung Health Check Service.   First scan March 2021; last locality/Central area at present.


         Phase 3: Expansion will bring TLHCs to 20 new areas including Rotherham, Barnsley and Bassetlaw.

         NHSE&I expects to rollout the Programme nationally to improve lung cancer diagnosis by 15%.


         Primary aim to reduce mortality from lung cancer; currently causes more deaths than any other cancer in the UK.  Often no symptoms at the earlier stages and it was regularly diagnosed late.  If caught early, it was much more treatable and the survival rate was much higher. 


         Offers people aged 55-74 who had ever smoked the opportunity to have a Lung Health Check; an assessment of lung cancer risk (including smoking cessation advice/referral) and those with a higher risk of lung cancer are offered a Low Dose CT scan, spirometry and a BP check.


The collaborating partners were described. Key outcomes from the pilot of the programme in Doncaster were noted. As of 28th October:


         More than 40,000 patients referred by 38 GP practices

         More than 18,500 patients enrolled

         More than 17,700 LHCs Completed

         More than 10,000 LDCT scans completed (including follow ups)

         487 people started a smoking cessation course with YSD

         387 people set a quit date

         257 people achieved a 4-week quit (66%)

         179 cancers had been confirmed: 135 lung cancers, 44 other cancers

         102 (76%) lung cancers had been found at an early stage

         72% of patients were suitable for curative treatment (3% decision pending)


The presentation also provided a breakdown of secondary care and tertiary care referrals, stages of lung cancer diagnosis, and treatment modalities from the Doncaster LHC Multi-Disciplinary Team.


The presentation also illustrated the agreed Rotherham/Barnsley pathway for TLHC, along with Rotherham trajectories and timescales for key phases. The presentation emphasised opportunities to apply learning from the Doncaster programme to help tackle health inequalities in the Bassetlaw, Rotherham, Barnsley extension. Key groups to engage in the Programme were also identified.


Discussion ensued, and the following points were raised/clarified:


             The age group of the cohort was instructed by the NHS. Most of the patients who do curative treatment do need surgery.


             The culture in South Yorkshire tends toward late presentation; therefore, information and messaging around early presentation needs to accompany prevention and early intervention efforts.


             Initial feedback has been positive and people have been engaged.

Resolved:-  That the presentation be noted.