Consideration was given to the Quarter 1 2022/23 Corporate Parenting performance report which provided a summary of performance for Key Performance Indicators across the Looked After Children (LAC) Services. Appendix 1 of the report submitted provided performance on a page giving an overview of the Service’s performance in comparison to the same period 2020/21 and Appendix 2 provided trend data, graphical analysis and benchmarking date against national and statistical neighbour averages where possible.
The report highlighted:-
- The number of children and young people looked after had reduced to 536, a reduction of 13 since the start of the year (April 2022) and 27 below the same period in 2021/22 (563)
- 36 children became Looked After and 57 children ceased to be Looked After
- There were currently 17 unaccompanied asylum-seeking children that were looked after by the Authority. The Commissioning Team were working hard to ensure that the Authority was able to offer placements/accommodation commensurate to need
- 96.1% of all Looked After Children plans were up-to-date (+1.1%) in comparison to last year (95.0%)
- Continued consistency in the percentage of Looked After Children in a family based setting (80%)
- 120 in-house foster carer households registered at the end of the quarter in comparison to 143 (-23) continuing the reducing trend. There had been 2 approvals so far in quarter 1 creating 4 new placements, however, there had been 7 de-registrations with each foster family having one placement each equating to 3 less placements. At the end of the period there were 5 prospective foster families in the recruitment process all of which had panels scheduled between July and September
- Of the 536 children and young people looked after by Rotherham, 5 were known to the Youth Offending Team
- 8 children had been adopted since April 2022 which was a reduction of one adoption for the same period last year
- Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the number of up-to-date health and dental checks had fluctuated particularly due to the enforced closure of most dentists or emergency are only being available. An improvement was now being seen with up-to-date dental checks reaching 72.1% at the end of quarter 1 in comparison to 30.7% at the end of the same quarter last year. 27 initial Health Assessments had been completed with 17 being in time (63%). This was 2.2% below last year (65.2%), however, more had been completed this year overall
- 93.3% of review had been completed with timescales (335/359) and at the end of the quarter 98.9% of visits were up-to-date and within timescale of the national minimum standard
- At the end of the Spring term 97.5% (397/407) LAC had a PEPE compared to 99.1% (413/421) Spring term 2020/21
- At the end of quarter 1 there were 302 young people in the care leavers cohort, a reduction of 10 compared to the same point in 2021 (312) 85% of which had an up-to-date pathway plan (3.4% improvement)
- 96.4% of care leavers were in suitable accommodation. Of the 11 in unsuitable accommodation, 5 were in custody. However, the percentage of care leavers in employment, education and training showed an 11% increase with 72.2% at the end of the quarter compared to 61.2% at the same point in 2021
Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-
· Regular meetings were held to discuss fostering and understand the reasons for any resignations/placement breakdowns
· More could be done to show possible future foster carers what resilience was offered to foster families or celebrate the success they offered to the children of Rotherham
· The recent Ofsted inspection had rated the experiences and progress of children in care and care leavers as Good
· The arrangements put in place for dental checks during Covid were coming to an end, however, there was to be a South Yorkshire approach so that wherever a child was placed they would have the same opportunities to receive dental care. A training package was to be provided for dentists on the additional vulnerabilities of LAC and care leavers. The Pause project had also been accepted on to the project allowing service users access. A further meeting was to be held in November with the training taking place in December
· Placement stability was a key issue
· The majority of the foster carers were approved for 0-18 year olds
· Need to promote the Fostering Service and the support that was available to prospective foster carers
Resolved:- (1) That the Quarter 1 2022/23 performance report be noted.
(2) That a report be submitted to the next meeting on fostering and fostering recruitment.
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