That this council notes:
Since 2016 there have been many complaints to the Environment Agency around the re-permitting of the Grange landfill site at Droppingwell. Despite the valiant efforts of the Droppingwell Action Group and numerous members of the public, the works carry on, without the proper level of scrutiny and regulation of the Environment agency. This has led to dozens of complaints that have been escalated to stage2 and several are now sitting with the office of the parliamentary ombudsmen.
The council believes that:
Due to the ineffective nature of the Environment Agencies regulation, its inability to take any kind of enforcement action, the members of the public in Rotherham West and this council no longer have any confidence in the Environment Agency.
This council resolves that:
Mirroring the thoughts and wishes of the residents of Droppingwell, Blackburn and Kimberworth, this council should pass a motion of No Confidence in the Environment Agencies handling of the site.
That the Chief Executive be required to write to the head of the Environment Agency and the Government minister impressing on them the need for a full, open and transparent public enquiry into the re-permitting and ongoing lack of regulation of the site.
Proposed by Cllr Ian Jones Seconded by Cllr Rob Elliot
It was moved by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Elliot:
That this Council notes:-
Since 2016 there have been many complaints to the Environment Agency around the re-permitting of the Grange landfill site at Droppingwell. Despite the valiant efforts of the Droppingwell Action Group and numerous members of the public, the works carry on, without the proper level of scrutiny and regulation of the Environment agency. This has led to dozens of complaints that have been escalated to Stage 2 and several are now sitting with the Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen.
The Council believes that:-
Due to the ineffective nature of the
Environment Agency’s regulation, its inability to take any
kind of enforcement action, the members of the public in Rotherham
West and this Council no longer have any confidence in the
Environment Agency.
This Council resolves that:-
Mirroring the thoughts and wishes of the residents of Droppingwell,
Blackburn and Kimberworth, this Council should pass a motion of No
Confidence in the Environment Agency’s handling of the
- That the Chief Executive be required to write to the head of the Environment Agency and the Government minister impressing on them the need for a full, open and transparent public enquiry into the re-permitting and ongoing lack of regulation of the site.
It was moved by Councillor Z. Collingham and seconded by Councillor T. Collingham that the motion be amended as follows:
That this Council notes:-
Since 2016 there have been many complaints to the Environment Agency around the re-permitting of the Grange landfill site at Droppingwell. Despite the valiant efforts of the Droppingwell Action Group and numerous members of the public, the works carry on, without the proper level of scrutiny and regulation of the Environment agency. This has led to dozens of complaints that have been escalated to Stage 2 and several are now sitting with the Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen.
The Council believes that:-
Due to the ineffective nature of the Environment Agency’s regulation, its inability to take any kind of enforcement action, the members of the public in Rotherham West and this Council no longer have any confidence in the Environment Agency.
This Council resolves that:-
Mirroring the thoughts and wishes of the residents
of Droppingwell, Blackburn and Kimberworth, this Council should
pass a motion of No Confidence in the Environment Agency’s
handling of the site.
- That the Chief Executive be required to write to the head of the Environment Agency and the Government minister impressing on them the need for a full, open and transparent public enquiry into the re-permitting and ongoing lack of regulation of the site.
This Council resolves to:-
- Ask the Group Leaders to jointly write to the Chief Executive of the Environment Agency (EA) to request an urgent review of all complaints made to the EA in relation to the permitting and regulation of Grange Landfill and convene a public meeting in the Borough to address these complaints and residents’ ongoing concerns.
- Ask the Group Leaders to jointly write to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to request that they urgently review the permitting and regulation of Grange Landfill by the EA, their handling of complaints and opportunities to intervene to discontinue landfill operations or improve the regulation of the same.
On being put to the vote, the amendment to the motion was declared as lost.
The substantive motion (as moved by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Elliot) was now debated.
On being put to the vote, the motion was declared as carried.
Mover: Councillor Jones Seconder: Councillor Elliot