Agenda item

Gifts and Hospitality


To consider a possible amendment to the Code of Conduct in respect of the requirement to register Gifts and Hospitality, following the recommendations from the Committee on Standards in Public Life report into Local Government Ethical Standards.


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Service Manager which set out in detail a possible amendment to the Code of Conduct in respect of the requirement to register Gifts and Hospitality, following the recommendations from the Committee on Standards in Public Life Report into Local Government Ethical Standards.


As reported to the Committee at its last meeting Recommendation 6 was for Local Authorities being required to establish a register of gifts and hospitality, with councillors required to record gifts and hospitality received over a value of £50 or totalling £100 over a year from a single source.


At the last meeting the Committee discussed this issue and it was suggested that officers review other Local Authorities’ Codes of Conduct, as to the approach which had been taken in respect of this issue. This had been undertaken and the different approaches adopted were set out in the report.


The Committee debated whether to include reference to the requirement to disclose a number of different gifts from the same source which over a certain period exceeded the stated amount.


The Committee noted that Sheffield City Council adopted the period as the four-year term of office and as part of their discussion considered whether that was appropriate, or some other period should be adopted.


Discussion ensued about the terminology and as such a “four year term”.  It was suggested this be changed to “term of office”.


The Committee were minded to make such an amendment and suggested the amended paragraph of the Code of Conduct be worded as follows:-


10.2 I notify the Monitoring Officer in writing of any gift, benefit or hospitality with a value in excess of £xx, or accumulatively in excess of £xx from the same source over the term of office which you have been offered as a Member from any person or body other than the Authority within 28 days of receipt.


The Committee were also provided for information and assurance the form by which Members registered their gifts and hospitality and full details were set out in the Members Induction Handbook.


It was also noted that further, periodic reminders in respect of the requirement to register Gifts and Hospitality were provided in the Members newsletter.


The Committee in viewing the Members Induction Handbook and in particular Section 4 – Standards and Ethics noted that in Section 4.2 there was no reference to the Nolan Principles and would prefer to see them included.


In addition, for the purposes of annual updates it was suggested in Section 4.4 the wording “no later than (date)” be removed and it be left for review and sign off within 28 days.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the amendment to the Members Code of Conduct in respect of the registration of Gifts and Hospitality in respect of cumulative gifts from a single source over a stated period be approved.


(2)  That the amendment to the Code of Conduct the wording at paragraph 1.8 with the words “four year term” omitted be adopted.


(3)  That the suggested wording amendments to the Members’ Induction Handbook be fed back to appropriate officers.

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