Agenda item

Physical Activity Action Plan

Gilly Brenner (RMBC), with Norsheen Akhtar, Yorkshire Sport Foundation, to present


Consideration was given to a presentation by Consultant in Public Health Gilly Brenner on behalf of partnership work by Rotherham MBC and Yorkshire Sport Foundation in respect of a Physical Activity Action Plan.  Norsheen Akhtar, from Yorkshire Sport Foundation, led on this work. This presentation was a six-month update. This was an update on the progress of the work previously described to Health and Wellbeing Board in September 2022. Health and Wellbeing Board members were supportive of the process of undertaking a review of physical activity which was done by Sam Keighley of Yorkshire Sport. This led to the development of four key priorities. An appreciative enquiry approach was then taken, with a series of workshops with a wide range of stakeholders to determine how to deliver these priorities. These workshops were held in July 2022, October 2022, and January 2023. In the final workshop, actions were proposed with key stakeholders agreeing to lead the delivery of actions. The workshops formed the Big Active Conversation, aims of which includednormalising physical activity / building a social movement, employers’ supporting the workforce to be active, front line workers confident to talk about and signpost to physical activity, and strengthening social prescribing, including embedding physical activity.


Priorities and associated actions were described:

       Active Champions

       Promoting physical activity through community champions

       Promoting physical activity through workplace champions

       Monitoring progress of strategic physical activity work


       Active Environments

       Employers supporting the workforce to be active

       Safer, open green and blue spaces

       Incorporating activity into travel


       Active Communities

       Normalising physical activity in schools

       Normalising physical activity in health settings and provision

       Normalising physical activity through events or provision


       Active Communications

       Moving Rotherham communication plan

       Facilitate effective signposting to physical activity opportunities

       Facilitate networking and collaboration between physical activity champions

In discussion, the following points were raised:-

-       The importance of embedding physical activity within the health sector, including clinical pathways, was emphasised.

-       The importance of people being empowered to talk about the benefits of physical activity within their own communities was noted.

-       The workstream around provision for teenage girls was of importance as teenage girls had been identified as a group at risk to drop out of physical activity.

-       It was now statutory for physical activity opportunity to be equal for boys and girls.

-       In addition to normalising participation, having choice was fundamental.

-       The Children’s Capital of Culture included a strong physical activity element.

-       Thanks to Places for Leisure, a Big Sister programme was now being offered in addition to the big brother programme.

-       Swimming and swimming lessons were now being offered for Looked After Children and Care Leavers.

-       Thanks to partners, it was felt that much progress had been made together to address inequalities.

-       Diverting negative energy into positive interventions such as community boxing clubs promotes a safer, healthier community.

-       Any further nominations to the Moving Rotherham Partnership Board should be sent to the Consultant in Public Health.



1)    That the report be noted.

2)    That the delivery of actions identified in the plan be encouraged, enabled and supported.

3)    That opportunities to incorporate physical activity into organisational and borough strategic plans and delivery continue to be identified.

4)    That the Board receive annual updates from the Moving Rotherham partnership.


Supporting documents: