Nathan Heath, Acting Strategic Director Children and Young People’s Services,presented a report providing details of the Risk Register and risk management activity within the Children and Young People’s Services Directorate.
The Directorate level Risk Register currently had 5 risks items listed of which 2 were also included on the Corporate Risk Register:-
· CYPS01 (SLT01) - Keeping Children, Young People and Families safe from harm
· CYPS02 (SLT04) – Maintaining sustainable improvement in Children and Young People’s Services with a challenging budget position
CYPS risks were discussed and reviewed at the CYPS Assurance Board meeting on a quarterly basis with escalations reviewed as exception outside of the reporting cycle. Each Assistant Director was accountable for managing a Service Risk Register which was formally monitored and reviewed with their senior managers on a monthly basis. Discussions with regard to risk were held every week in management meetings.
Following the retirement of the previous CYPS Directorate Risk Champion, the Department Business Services Manager was to be appointed as the new Directorate Risk Champion. A development plan had been created for the new Risk Champion including accredited Institute of Risk Management training at the end of March 2023 and would also form part of a corporate network alongside other officers responsible for risk management across the Council.
Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-
- There were a number of areas of external scrutiny within CYPS including Ofsted
- Close working relationship with the Youth Justice Board
- In an attempt to mitigate the risk of high budget deficit in SEND funding, arrangement with the DfE to develop provision in Rotherham and increase the number of mainstream resource places. Number of ongoing projects including the rebuilding of Newman Lower School
- Progress made on the oversight of the Written Statement of Action (WSOA) to move to a piece of work with the DfE and the National Health Service England Improvement later in the year to understand what the legacy looked like in terms of the new SEND inspection regime next year
- Some of the actions in the WSOA had been completed/would be within the timescale set
- Given the challenges both regionally and nationally with regard to SEND, it would be an area of ongoing review
- By nature there were CYPS risks every day and managing vulnerabilities in a defined way. Wider oversight mechanisms gave assurance at another level. There was a strong culture of practice learning embedded and audit used to cross check Service records as well as assurance days/performance clinics
- Through the statutory partnerships, external organisations were held to account
- Although no specific risk included on the register for Looked After Children, they were at the core of all the risks
- Appropriate benchmarking took place with other Directorates to ensure risks were appropriately scored
Resolved:- (1) That the progress and current position in relation to risk management activity in the Children and Young People’s Services Directorate, as detailed in the report now submitted, be noted.
(Appendix 1 was considered in the absence of the press and public in accordance with Paragraph 3 of the Act (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information/financial information)
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