To consider the findings and recommendations from Improving Places Select Commission’s scrutiny of Markets Engagement and Recovery.
In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Improving Places Select Commission, the Governance Advisor introduced the findings and recommendations of the spotlight review of Markets engagement and recovery.
Evidence was gathered using a site visit in which Members, officers and market industry experts toured the Town Centre Markets areas, followed by an in-person presentation and question and answer session with officers and with expert advisors from National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) and National Market Traders Federation (NMTF).
The previous overview of markets in Rotherham took place when the building opened in 1971, when the current regulations became active. These guidelines have served well over the decades, but it was agreed that a review of the regualtions take place so that they could be updated for current circumstances.
It was noted that the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy and officers were fully briefed on the recommendations and progress was being made on their implementation. The report was to be submitted to Cabinet in order that a formal response was received.
On behalf of the Chair of IPSC, the Governance Advisor extended thanks to all those who participated in the review.
Clarification was sought if local expertise was sought (for example stall holders on the Thursday Bazaar which had revived market use on a day which had previously had low usage). It was outlined that the review recognised the importance of capturing the learning from new initiatives and feedback from existing and prospective stall holders and this was reflected its recommendations.
A question was posed if there was clarity about the aims of the market strategy and if this would address decline. It was noted that a neighbouring borough had invested in a new market development which was not running at full capacity. A concern was expressed that the town centre market development should be consolidated to ensure that it was viable. In response, the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy stressed the importance of the markets to the local economy and noted that footfall was increasing following the pandemic. She welcomed the review and its findings and any future scrutiny of market developments.
1. That a review of the Council’s Rules and Regulations in respect of Markets be added to the IPSC work programme.
2. That face-to-face consultations and clear communication be prioritised in all interactions with vendors and traders.
3. That the service avail the case studies and resources available in the libraries of NABMA and NMTF to inform the strategic refresh of Rotherham markets.
4. That the service re-evaluate the support offer for new vendors, in consultation with the NABMA and NMTF.
5. With a view to retaining traders during redevelopment of the markets building, that consideration be given to mitigating any safety risk to traders as well as risk of traders discontinuing trading.
6. That any re-design of markets spaces give consideration to usability and aesthetics, availing market research to optimise spaces for inclusiveness and accessibility, and to make the offer especially attractive to students and young people.
7. That the Young Traders Scheme be prioritised for further expansion in the longer term.
8. Recognising that the Town Centre markets complex represents a unique and distinct microeconomy with its own accompanying needs and characteristics, that consideration be given to the ongoing management resource required to sustain the markets economy successfully over the long term.
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