Agenda item

School Funding Formula 2023/24 Consultation Outcome


Neil Hardwick and Vera Njegic to report.


Recommendation:-  That the Schools’ Forum note the content of the report and that votes be undertaken with the appropriate members of the Schools’ Forum to agree the school and academy local funding formula for 2023/24 for submission in January 2023.


Consideration was given to the report presented by Vera Njegic, Principal Officer (Schools Finance), which set out the indicative proposals and sought approval decisions (where needed) for two areas of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for 2023/24:-


·              Schools block.

·              Central schools services block.


As a result of the Government’s intention to implement a national funding formula  for school and high needs funding allocations; 2023/24 represented the sixth year of the Government’s planned transition towards these proposals.


To comply with the ESFA operational guidance, Local Authorities were required to consult with schools, academies and Schools Forum in respect of planned changes to the schools local funding formula including the method, principals and rules that were to be adopted.   The final decisions in respect of the local formula remain with the LocalAuthority.


The  Forum was, therefore, required to decide upon specific elements in accordance with the powers and responsibilities assigned to it by the ESFA and would need to vote on a number of proposals which had been circulated in the report submitted. The proposals were based on the consultation responses received from individual schools and academies and attached as appendices to the submitted report.


In accordance with the regulations, only certain members were allowed to participate in a vote regarding the local funding formula. Other members that did not represent schools could engage and participate in discussions, but were not eligible to vote.


A narrative and rationale for each of the questions was provided along with any clarification as necessary.


Clarification was sought from Forum Members on discussions held as part of the High Needs Sub-Group and the legal position with regards to the Safety Valve arrangements with the Local Authority.


In addition, further discussion ensued on the responses as set out at Appendix A where consultation responses were received from individual schools/academies and those submitted as part of a multi-academy trust.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be received and the contents noted.


(2)   That the voting as indicated below be incorporated into the school and academy local funding formula for 2023/24 (as far as was possible) for submission to the ESFA by 20th January, 2023:-


Question 1 – Do you agree with the principle that Rotherham is adopting in terms of prioritising an increase to the MFG?


Vote:-           12 For                     0 Against                0 Abstain


Question 2 Considering a transfer of 1.5% from the schools block to support the  high needs block.


Vote:-           10 For                     0 Against                2 Abstain


Question 3 Should the Local Authority continue to provide a growth fund in 2023/2024 from reserve?


Vote:-           12 For                      0 Against                0 Abstain


Question 4 -  Do you agree that the Local Authority should continue to provide for a Growth Fund from reserve?


Vote:-           12 For                      0 Against                0 Abstain


Question 5 Should funding from this block could be retained for the services outlinedabove?


Vote:-           12 For                      0 Against                0 Abstain


Question 6 – Would maintained primary schools wish to de-delegate monies to create a Financial Difficulties Contingency Fund. 


Vote:-           1 For                       0 Against                0 Abstain


Question 7 - Would maintained schools wish to de-delegate funds, once again, for trade union facilities time rather than buy back from the portfolio of services. 


Vote:-           1 For                       0 Against                0 Abstain


Question 8 - Do maintained schools wish to de-delegate funds again for school improvement activity?


Option 1        rate of £19 per pupil

Option 2        rate of £29 per pupil


Vote:-           1 For                       0 Against                0 Abstain


                                                                             Action:-  Vera Njegic

Supporting documents: