Agenda item

Corporate Safeguarding Protocol

Report from the Assistant Chief Executive.




1.    That Cabinet approve the updated Corporate Safeguarding Protocol.


2.    To note the outcome of ‘Good’ from the recent Ofsted Inspection of Children and Young People Services.



Consideration was given the report which explained that a new Corporate Safeguarding Protocol had been developed which acted as a framework for the Council to ensure that safeguarding was embedded across all services and that all staff and Councillors were aware of their responsibilities. The report also referenced the outcome from the recent Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services which demonstrated the effectiveness of safeguarding practice in the Council.


The Council had a duty to make appropriate arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults. The Council believed that every child, young person and adult, regardless of their background, age, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, ethnicity or religious belief should be able to live and participate in a safe society without any fear, violence, abuse, bullying, discrimination or exploitation.


The previous Safeguarding Policy which had been in place for five years was proposed to be superseded by this protocol based on current good practice. The new Corporate Safeguarding Protocol at Appendix 1 to the report demonstrated a corporate framework which set out how all services across the Council worked to deliver the Council’s statutory safeguarding duties and responsibilities. The proposed statement was aligned to the Care Act (2014) and the Working Together to Safeguard Children Statutory Guidance (2018), corporate responsibilities, the Council Plan and Year Ahead Delivery Plan.


An Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services (ILACS) took place on the week beginning 20th June, 2022, which considered the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements for children. On 12th August the Council were notified that Ofsted judged Children’s Services overall effectiveness to be Good.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board fully supported the recommendations.




1.    That Cabinet approve the updated Corporate Safeguarding Protocol.


2.    That Cabinet note the outcome of ‘Good’ from the recent Ofsted Inspection of Children and Young People Services.

Supporting documents: