Agenda item

RMBC Transportation Unit - Updates


Nat Porter, Planning Regeneration and Transport Manager, gave an update with the aid of the following powerpoint presentation:



·       Update since February meeting

·       Current government position

·       Capital schemes in / nearing delivery

·       Ongoing revenue activity

·       Forward look


Since last meeting…

·       Sheffield Clean Air Zone went live 27th Feb

·       Broom Road and Wath to Manvers cycleways schemes into construction

·       All of RMBC TCF programme received FBC approval

·       Successful bids –

­   A.6022 Road Safety Fund


Current government position

       Key objectives –

­   driving growth and productivity

­   decarbonising transport

§  including quantifiable carbon reduction

­   levelling up services and areas

       Primary focus in local transport remains active travel and buses – all Govt funded schemes now expected to contribute

       Bus recovery grant and £2 fare cap extended

­   both expire end June ‘23

       LTP4 guidance & development


RMBC capital schemes in delivery

·       Broom Road cycleways

­   Mar ‘23 – Jan ‘24

·       Wath to Manvers cycleway

­   Apr ’23 – Jul ‘23

·       Sheffield Road cycleways

­   May ’23 – Jul ‘24

·       Rotherham – Maltby bus corridor

­   May ‘23 – Feb ‘24


RMBC capital schemes to commence delivery 2023

·       The Whins / Cinder Bridge Road passing bay

­   Summer ’23 forecast commencement

·       Morthern Rd crossing at Wickersley R’about

­   Summer ’23 forecast commencement

·       Upper Wortley Road crossing at Gt Parks Rd

­   Summer ’23 forecast commencement



RMBC capital schemes to commence delivery 2023

       Local Neighbourhood & Road Safety tranche 1

­   Schemes approved in 6 of 13 wards

­   Remainder subject to ongoing engagement

       A.6022 Safer Roads Fund scheme

       Bus corridor hotspots work

­   At earliest stage, potential projects to be identified in liaison with SYMCA and bus operators.


Ongoing revenue activity

       Cycle hub

       Active Travel Officer schools work

       Schools road safety training

       Development of active travel links to Mainline Station

       Commencement and early engagement regarding City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement schemes


City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement

       £46.6 million capital investment to 26-27

       Public transport, walking and cycling improvements leading into Rotherham town centre

       Contribution to two new stations

      Rotherham Mainline



Integrated Mainline & Tram Train Station

       £1m CRSTS to develop Outline Business Case

      station & tram train stop design, timetable capacity analysis and modelling work

       £10m Town Fund investment to acquire land

       Station masterplan currently being prepared

       OBC programme for completion March 24


Looking further forward

       Local Neighbourhood & Road Safety tranche 2

      Members’ feedback to be invited from the Summer

       Eastwood footbridges improvement

       Junction 33 services – construction commencement mid ‘23

       First CRSTS Strategic Outline Cases ready late summer ‘23

       Local Transport Plan refresh

      For finalisation from Summer ‘24

       Initial announcement of CRSTS2

      Potential significant funding opportunity after 26-27


The Chair invited comments and questions from the group.


Cllr Wyatt thanked officers for their work to secure funding for works on the A6023.  Clarification was sought on plans to publicise the Safer Roads Fund via ward newsletters. It was confirmed that a project officer was in place who would liaise on communications.

Cllr Bennett-Sylvester asked if there were any plans to improve public transport of walking connectively between Parkgate and Aldwarke Lane. It was clarified that it was unlikely that the link road would be used for public transport however, there were improvements to footways between these locations.


The Chair highlighted the funding coming through from SYMCA. He also referred to the local road safety programme for members to determine prioroties in their local wards. 6 schemes were being consulted on, with others in the pipeline.


Agreed: That the update be noted.

Supporting documents: