Agenda item

New Applications for Business Rates Discretionary Relief for Rotherham Rise and The Really NEET Project Limited

Report from the Strategic Director for Finance and Customer Services.




1.    That Cabinet approve the applications for Discretionary Business Rate Relief for Rotherham Rise and The Really NEET Project Limited in accordance with the details set out in Section 6 to this report for the 2022/23 financial year.



The Council had received an application for the award of Business Rates Discretionary Relief for Rotherham Rise and the Really Neet Project Limited. In line with the Council’s Business Rates Discretionary Relief Policy, having regard to the financial cost of the proposed relief, the charitable use of premise and the contribution that the organisation makes to the local community, it was recommended that the award of discretionary relief be granted to Rotherham Rise and the Really Neet Project Limited.


Rotherham Rise was a registered charity which provided free counselling and support for adults, young people and children who had experienced any form of domestic abuse and/or child exploitation. They had taken on additional rooms with their existing premises to provide more appointments and training rooms.


The Really Neet Project Limited was a social enterprise not for profit organisation which aimed to meet the needs of vulnerable young people through training and education. The organisation also offered innovative and engaging learning opportunities which would develop the range of skills, personal attributes and qualifications required to progress into employment or further education. They have taken on additional properties to continue their work and are seeking the Council’s support with funding the business rates on those.


The cost to Rotherham Council for the 2022/23 financial year was £377.05 for Rotherham Rise and £9,428.20 for the Really Neet Project Limited. The cost for the 2023/24 financial year was not expected to be significantly different.




1.    That Cabinet approve the applications for Discretionary Business Rate Relief for Rotherham Rise and The Really NEET Project Limited in accordance with the details set out in Section 6 to the report submitted for the 2022/23 financial year.

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