Agenda item

Mental Health Service Review


Report from the Strategic Director for Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.




That Cabinet:


1.    Approve the development of the Mental Health revised service offer and model with agreement for this to come back to Cabinet in December 2023 prior to implementation.


2.    Approve a programme of work to co-produce a new mental health reablement and day opportunities offer with people with lived experience, their families and carers.


Consideration was given to the report submitted which set out the options and recommendations as part of the Adult Social Care Mental Health Review within Rotherham.  The focus of the review would be a revised Mental Health model with the main emphasis being to enhance the early intervention and prevention offer and to ensure that people of Rotherham had an effective service offer and pathway.


The Council had progressed a great deal with its offer on learning disabilities but there was now a need to develop a new vision and strategy from 2023 onwards.  The basic principles, which were agreed in 2017, needed to be incorporated into this.  The objectives were to have a more diverse approach, promoting wellbeing and high-quality care.  The Council’s approved mental health professionals AMPH had been seconded to RDASH for the last 12 years.   A new model was needed that encapsulated early intervention and prevention and a personalised, strength-based approach featuring recovery. 


The proposal was that staff seconded to RDASH would be brought back to the Council.  The proposal would support the Council being a more responsible employer, revise the health and social care pathway to be co-produced with a greater focus on reablement and recovery to signpost people back into their communities.   The proposal had been shared with RDASH and the ICP who had indicated their support.


Resolved: That Cabinet:


1.    Approve the development of the Mental Health revised service offer and model with agreement for this to come back to Cabinet in December 2023 prior to implementation.


2.    Approve a programme of work to co-produce a new mental health reablement and day opportunities offer with people with lived experience, their families and carers.

Supporting documents: