Agenda item

New Applications for Business Rates Discretionary Relief for Rotherham Crossroads - Caring for Carers, The Fun Hub Nursery and RNN Group


Report from the Strategic Director for Finance and Customer Services.




That Cabinet:

1.             Approve the application for Discretionary Business Rate Relief for Rotherham Crossroads – Caring for Carers.

2.             Reject the application for Discretionary Business Rate Relief for The Fun Hub Nursery.

3.             Reject the application for Discretionary Business Rate Relief for RNN Group.



Consideration was given to the submitted report which detailed a number of applications for the award of Discretionary Business Rate Relief for Rotherham Crossroads – Caring for Carers, The Fun Hub Nursery and RNN Group.


Details on each application were provided.


These requests were in accordance with the Council’s Discretionary Business Rates Relief Policy (approved by Cabinet on 12th December 2016).


Resolved:-  (1)   That the application for Discretionary Business Rate Relief for Rotherham Crossroads – Caring for Carers be approved.


(2)  That the application for Discretionary Business Rate Relief for The Fun Hub Nursery be refused.


(3)  That the application for Discretionary Business Rate Relief for RNN Group be refused.

Supporting documents: