Agenda item

Risk Management Policy

Report from the Assistant Chief Executive.




That Cabinet:


1.    Approve the Risk Management Policy (attached as appendix 1)

2.    Delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive to approve changes to the Policy in future.



Consideration was given to the report which sought Cabinet approval for the Risk Management Policy which was attached as Appendix 1 to the report. submitted


The Council introduced a completely revised Risk Policy and Guide in late 2015 which was approved by the Audit Committee on 24th November, 2015. The Policy and Guide had been refreshed and received by the Audit Committee each year since then. It was last considered by the Audit Committee on 30th November, 2021.


Cabinet was being asked to approve the Policy as the creation of the Policy was an Executive Function. The role of the Audit Committee would then be to monitor the implementation of the Policy and provide their recommendations (if any) to Cabinet as a part of their role in providing assurance on the Governance of the Council as a whole. The report also requested that Cabinet approve that the Assistant Chief Executive could approve future updating of the Policy under delegated powers.


It was clarified that the delegation to the Assistant Chief Executive would be for routine updates only.  Any significant updates would be referred back to the Cabinet for consideration.


Resolved: That Cabinet:


1.    Approved the Risk Management Policy (attached as Appendix 1 to the main report).


2.    Delegated authority to the Assistant Chief Executive to approve changes to the Policy in future.

Supporting documents: