Agenda item

Update on the Towns and Villages Fund


Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




1.    That Cabinet note the progress made on the first phase of the Towns and Villages Fund.


2.    That Cabinet endorse the approach to the future phases of the programme, as detailed in this report.


Consideration was given to the report submitted which detailed that the Towns and Villages Fund was a £4m capital programme, aiming to improve the Borough’s local town and village centres. The first 6 projects were approved by Cabinet in January 2022, and this report provided an update on those projects, as well as setting out the plan for delivering the next phases of the programme.


It was clarified that the Brinsworth project had not yet commenced.  Conducting consultation on the projects had proved beneficial, meaning that local residents were more aware of what was happening within their area.




  1. That Cabinet notes the progress made on the first phase of the Towns and Villages Fund.


  1. That Cabinet endorses the approach to the future phases of the programme, as detailed in the report.

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