Agenda item

Council Plan Update


Report from the Assistant Chief Executive.




That Cabinet:


1.    Note the overall position in relation to the Year Ahead Delivery Plan activities.


2.    Note the Quarter 3 2022-23 data for the Council Plan performance measures.


3.    Agree the revised Council Plan performance measure targets and the Year Ahead Delivery Plan for 2023-24.


4.    Note the future performance reporting timetable (see paragraphs 2.17 and 2.18).



Consideration was given to the report which was the fourth progress report on the Council Plan 2022-25 and the Year Ahead Delivery Plan. As of 27 February 2023, the activities within the Year Ahead Delivery Plan are as follows:


·            65% (60) complete


·            22% (20) were on track to be delivered by original target date


·            5% (5) were delayed by less than 3 months


·            8% (7) would not be met within 3 months of original target date.


During the meeting the Leader explained the reasons why some of the actions were off target. Cabinet Members then highlighted areas of positivity from their portfolios along with any issues or concerns they had around missed or delayed actions.


·            33 fines and prosecutions had been issued for fly tipping so far this year, a significant increase on previous year


·            There had been an increased take up of early years education with 96.4% of 2 year-olds utilising their place against and annual target of 80%


·            The number of subscribers to the ‘Rotherham Round Up’ Ward bulletin had exceeded 9,000 which meant the target has been exceeded


·            A Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy and Action Plan has been completed and actions were in progress


·            An evaluation report was completed for a cultural programme for residents aged 55+ and 60% of participants said their wellbeing had improved as a result of attending


·            New Century Business Centre at Manvers should be completed in July which would provide support for new businesses


·            Work continued to reduce the number of homeless people housed in temporary accommodation


·            Progress continued on the ambitious regeneration programme despite the challenging financial situation


Performance/progress would continue to be kept under review within Directorates and reported publicly to ensure that the Council’s direction of travel remained positive. The final progress report for 2022-23, covering data for quarter four and year-end performance would be presented to Cabinet on 10th July, 2023.


It was recommended that the frequency of reporting in 2023-24 moved to twice a year (December 2023 and July 2024). Due to the nature of the actions/activities in the plan, many did not significantly change each quarter and a less frequent report would enable the Council to demonstrate progress.


Quarterly reporting would remain in place internally to ensure officers remained focussed on areas that required extra attention and timely action would be taken when things were off track.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board fully supported the recommendations with the inclusion that consideration be given to how the wider take-up of ward bulletins could be promoted.


Resolved: That Cabinet:


1.     Noted the overall position in relation to the Year Ahead Delivery Plan activities.


2.     Noted the Quarter 3 2022-23 data for the Council Plan performance measures.


3.     Agreed the revised Council Plan performance measure targets and the Year Ahead Delivery Plan for 2023-24.


4.     Noted the future performance reporting timetable (see paragraphs 2.17 and 2.18).


5.     That consideration be given to how the wider take-up of ward bulletins could be promoted.

Supporting documents: