Agenda item


To report on changes to political groups, the political balance of the Council and the entitlement of each group to seats on the Authority’s committees and to consider the appointment of members to the Council’s committees, boards and panels.


Consideration was given to the report which detailed how under Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, Local Authorities had the duty to allocate seats to political groups and set out the principles to be followed when determining such allocation, following formal notification of the establishment of political groups in operation on the Council.


There was a requirement to annually review the entitlement of the political groups to seats on the committees of the Council.


The allocation of seats must follow two principles:


(a)  Balance must be achieved across the total number of available seats on committees; and


(b)  Balance must be achieved on each individual committee or body where seats are available


There were presently 4 political groups in operation on the Council – the Labour Group (majority), Conservative Group (opposition), Liberal Democrat (Lib Dem) Group and Rotherham Democratic Party (RDP) Group – with 2 non-aligned councillors (members who are not in a political group).


The Political Balance of the Council had changed due to a by-election in Keppel Ward which took place on 26 January 2023.


There were 149 seats available on committees, boards and panels and under the calculation the Labour Group is entitled to 86 seats, the opposition Group (Conservative) 43 seats, the Liberal Democrat Group 10 seats, the Rotherham Democratic Party Group 5 seats. The seats allocated to the non-aligned councillors is 5.


Resolved: That Council agreed:


1.    To note the new political balance of the Council as a result of the by-election.


2.    That the entitlement of the membership of the political groups be agreed and such entitlements be reflected in Council’s appointments of members to committees.


3.    To agree the amendment of appointments of members to Committees, Boards and Panels to reflect the change in political balance as notified by Group Leaders and as detailed below:




Audit Committee

Councillor Sheila Cowen – to be removed

Councillor Tony Browne - to be added as a member and as vice chair

Councillor Charlie Wooding – to be removed

Councillor Simon Ball – to be added


Health Select Commission

Councillor Carole Foster – to be added

Councillor Charlie Wooding – to be removed


Improving Lives Select Commission

Councillor Ian Jones – to be removed

Councillor Joanna Baker-Rogers – to be added


Licensing Board

Councillor Ian Jones – to be removed

Councillor Carole Foster – to be added


Licensing Committee

Councillor Ian Jones – to be removed

Councillor Carole Foster – to be added


Overview and Scrutiny Management Board

Councillor Tom Collingham – to be removed as vice-chair

Councillor Joshua Bacon – to be added as vice-chair

Councillor Sheila Cowen – to be removed

Councillor Tony Browne - to be added as vice-chair of Audit


Planning Board

Councillor Charlie Wooding – to be removed

Councillor Simon Ball – to be added


Mayoral Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Tom Collingham – to be removed

Councillor Joshua Bacon – to be added

Substitute Member

Councillor Lee Hunter – to be added


Moved by: Councillor Allen                                Seconded by: Councillor Read

Supporting documents: