Agenda item

Healthwatch Rotherham

To receive an update from Healthwatch Rotherham in respect of maternity services.


Consideration was given to a report providing results of a survey completed by Healthwatch Rotherham, which discussed the experiences and opinions of sixteen people having accessed the maternity services within the last six months. There was a mixed methodology of survey and interviews consisting of open-ended questions.


In discussion, Members sought further information around whether people open up if asked about domestic violence or if this is just a completion exercise. The response from the Manager of Healthwatch Rotherham acknoweldged that the respondent felt that the question was less about understanding and more about completing the requirement to ask the question. The response from the Head of Nursing and Midwifery noted that asking about safety did lead to disclosures. That was why relationship building was important. It was emphasised that although in small numbers the responses were valued and would be used to inform and improve service delivery. The desire to work together was expressed.


Members sought clarification of whether any participants had identified as partners or parents with same-sex partners. The response noted that the demographic was women and there were no comments provided by same-sex couples.


Members requested further details around timelines for further work on this topic. The Healthwatch team would be in touch with TRFT midwifery team around the progress. Governance processes for consideration of and response to external reports were outlined by the Deputy CEO.


Members requested clarification around how the Service is working with people around alcohol and smoking during early pregnancy. The response noted the latest pre-conception guidance, and that the Chief Medical Officer’s guidance in early pregnancy was no alcohol. The figures were offered to follow. The Director of Public Health noted that this measure was not available at a Rotherham level; however, 4% was the England measure for drinking in early pregnancy. The response from Members noted that education in this area was key to correcting widely held misconceptions.


Members requested more details around how the Service handles instances of birthmarks that look like bruises. The Head of Nursing and Midwifery acknowledged the useful feedback and noted the guidelines followed by the Service for bruising in non-mobile children.


Members requested how the Service works with surveys and engagement.  Feedback. The response from the Head of Nursing and Midwifery noted floor to board-level engagement undertaken by the Service, including the Maternity Voice Partnership (just changed to Maternity and Neonatal Voice Partnership), monthly Friends and Family surveys, and the national CQC survey that is done annually. The feedback was welcomed and was seen as necessary for improvement and to make staff feel valued. The process for feedback included going through governance and safety champions, to the Maternity and Neonatal Voice Partnership, as well as to the monthly Trust Board in the Maternity Safety Paper and Listening to Women.


The Chair noted thanks to Healthwatch Rotherham and noted the importance of working with the Service at an early phase to maximise any complementary efforts around engaging with people who are accessing these Services.




1)    That the survey results be noted.



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