Agenda item

Indicative Highway Repair Programme for 2023/2024


Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




  1. That Cabinet note the strategic approach to the management and maintenance of Rotherham’s Highways.


  1. That the decision of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment to approve the indicative Highway Repair Programme for 2023/2024 be noted.


  1. That Cabinet note any additional in year funding to deliver highways repairs, the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment may utilise that funding in accordance with the strategic approach to the Management and Maintenance of Rotherham’s Highways as laid out in this report.


Consideration was given to the report submitted that reviews the current Strategy for the management and maintenance of Rotherham’s Highways and the impact of the recent Council funding on the highway network.


This report described how Rotherham’s Highways were strategically managed and maintained, in accordance with the agreed Highway Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP).


In addition, it described the current performance, both in terms of the condition of Rotherham’s Highways and in terms of the delivery of highways maintenance services.


The Cabinet heard that the Council had made a significant investment in improving roads which has meant that they were now above the national average and claims had been reduced.


The recommendations were then proposed.


A number of schemes would benefit from the investment which also includes resurfacing pavements and new footway crossings.


Resolved: That Cabinet:


1.     Noted the strategic approach to the management and maintenance of Rotherham’s Highways.


2      Noted the decision of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment to approve the indicative Highway Repair Programme for 2023/2024.


3.     Approve that the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment may utilise any additional in year funding in accordance with the strategic approach to the Management and Maintenance of Rotherham’s Highways as set out in this report.

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