Agenda item

Modern Slavery Annual Transparency Statement


Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




1.    Cabinet notes the progress made to date.


2.    Cabinet agrees for the current Transparency Statement 2022/23 to remain in place in 2023/24.


The Chair welcomed the Assistant Director for Community Safety and Streetscene to the meeting. He outlined that the Council were one of the early adopters of the anti-Modern Slavery Charter. One of the requirements of the Charter is to publish an annual report. This complements the obligation for large organisations to publish an annual transparency statement. This report fulfilled both functions.


The report provided updates on progress, detailing training undertaken by the Procurement Team and specialist training for frontline officers who may come across issues or concerns. Details were given in respect of how procurement processes were compliant with the Charter, particularly with regards to assessing low bids or tenders. Ethical procurement commitments and trade union rights were outlined alongside safeguarding requirements. All suppliers were informed that they were required to comply with modern slavery standards prior to contract being awarded.


It was noted that that the Council was an active member of the South Yorkshire Modern Slavery Partnership and tackling modern slavery was a key priority for the Safer Rotherham Partnership.


A network of ‘champions’ had been developed. Whilst there was a relatively small number of staff trained in terms of modern slavery, this was to be expanded. It was noted that there had been an increase in the numbers of people referred through the National Referral Mechanism. It was felt that this indicated that more officers are adept at identifying concerns and using those process is to safeguard individuals.


The Assistant Director thanked Members for the recent spotlight review into modern slavery and looked forward to receiving the recommendations in due course. Those that are approved, will be incorporated into the Council’s Modern Slavery Transparency Statement Action Plan 2023/24.


The Chair invited questions from the Board and the following points were clarified:


·       Details were sought to establish what checks can be put in place to ensure that subcontractors were also compliant with the objectives of the charter.  It was outlined that the Procurement Team were examining how this can be done within supply chains.

·       Clarification was sought if the council were informed of the outcomes of referrals to the National Referral Mechanism and how this in turn, informed procurement procedures and processes. It was noted that the process was complex and often took some time to complete. Work was undertaken with other local authorities as authorities may be required to move potential victims to places of safety. Feedback was shared as appropriate and should criminal charges be applied this would be taken into account as appropriate.

·       Details were asked about raising awareness locally and what role the Council had in this. The Police and Crime Commissioner had allocated funding to the Safer Rotherham Partnership to deliver training on this issue; a big focus was working in schools to raise awareness of these challenging issues. The Council also publicises events and information on social media such as the national awareness day.


The Chair thanked the Assistant Director for his report.


Resolved: That Cabinet be advised that the following recommendations be supported:


1)    Cabinet notes the progress made to date.

2)    Cabinet agrees for the current Transparency Statement 2022/23 to remain in place in 2023/24.


Supporting documents: