Agenda item

Rotherham Markets & Central Library

Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




That Cabinet:


1.    Note the progress to date on Rotherham Markets and Library redevelopment.


2.    Approve the enabling works for the Rotherham Markets and Library development, as detailed in Appendix 2 of this report.


3.    Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Regeneration of Environment, in consultation with the S151 Officer and the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Local Economy, to award contract(s) for the works up to the values detailed in Appendix 2.



Consideration was given the report which detailed the proposed redevelopment of the Rotherham Markets Complex and new library, located in the town centre of Rotherham. The markets complex was one of the most significant parts of the town centre and supported over 350 businesses. A key aspect of the scheme would be working with existing traders inline with the work carried out with the Improving Places Select Commission. It was highlighted that the Council was committed to supporting existing businesses along with attracting new ones.


The library proposal had been subject to lots of consultation and engagement as part of the new Library Strategy and people were supportive of moving the library to the town centre. It would make it more accessible particularly if travelling in by bus.


It was noted that the Council was determined to see the proposal through. The scheme was a key part of the Council’s Master Plan.


The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment highlighted that section 2.4 of the report highlighted the work that was in front of Cabinet which would enable work to being on site. The full scheme, in terms of design and costing was scheduled to be presented to Cabinet later that year.


The report was considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (OSMB), who queried what lessons, if any, had been learned from neighbouring authorities. OSMB were assured that both positive and negative lessons had been taken on board. The relocation of the library was welcomed as it would be located close to its original location, which is where the main footfall was. OSMB reviewed the report and supported the recommendations.


The Leader noted the scale of the scheme proposed for the town centre and welcomed the investment and was keen for the redevelopment to commence as soon as possible.


Resolved: That Cabinet:


1.    Noted the progress to date on Rotherham Markets and Library redevelopment.


2.    Approved the enabling works for the Rotherham Markets and Library development, as detailed in Appendix 2 of this report.


3.    Delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Regeneration of Environment, in consultation with the S151 Officer and the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Local Economy, to award contract(s) for the works up to the values detailed in Appendix 2.

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