Agenda item

Annual Report on Council Plan and Year Ahead Delivery Plan Progress for 2022-2023.


Report from the Assistant Chief Executive.




That Cabinet note:


  1. The overall position in relation to the Year Ahead Delivery Plan activities.

  2. The Quarter 4 2022-23 data for the Council Plan performance measures.


  1. The performance reporting timetable for the remainder of the 2022-2023 year.



Consideration was given to the report which presented the final quarterly report and updated on progress made on the activities in the Year Ahead Delivery Plan and Council Plan performance measure data for Quarter 4 of the 2022-23 financial year.


It was clarified that 80% of the committed activities had been completed with a further 7% on track for delivery. Three of the actions were delayed by less than three months and nine would not be met within the three-month target date.


The Cabinet Members commented on the report as summarised below:

·      The action plans from the Employee Opinion Survey continued to be implemented with workforce planning remaining ongoing.

·      The Workforce Plan would help the Council attract a diverse workforce becoming the employer of choice.

·      The number of formal enforcements on aspects such as fly-tipping had increased.

·      The canal barrier at Forge Island had been completed and won an award.

·      The number of electric vehicle charging points was increasing across the borough.

·      Sixty-four new electric vehicles would be introduced to the Council fleet over the new year or two.

·      All of the Neighbourhood Ward plans for the previous year had been published on time and were well on track for all being published on time in 2023.

·      Five phase 1 projects had been completed as part of the Towns and Villages programme.

·      Business Education Alliance programme had delivered twelve career events with further activities planned.

·      Forge Island was progressing.

·      It was a balance between supporting housing growth and acquiring new properties along with supporting those at risk of or had recently become homelessness.

·      Temporary accommodation continued to be a pressure on the service.

·      Successful year for Adults and Public Health.

·      Publication of the Health and Equalities Strategy.

·      An award was won for ‘A Walk with Me’ which was a suicide/bereavement support pack.

·      Work on new Learning Disabilities Centre was on track.

·      Element Academy opened in September 2022 and had received lots of positive feedback.

·      Ninety percent of children were offered one of their preferred choices secondary school places.

·      Ninety-nine percent of children were offered one of their preferred choices for primary school places.

·      Ninety percent of two-year-olds took up the offer of an early learning place.


This report was considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board who felt it provided a clear picture of the Council’s achievements and challenges.


Resolved: That Cabinet noted:


1.    The overall position in relation to the Year Ahead Delivery Plan activities.


2.    The Quarter 4 2022-23 data for the Council Plan performance measures.


3.    The performance reporting timetable for the remainder of the 2022-2023 year.

Supporting documents: