Agenda item

Council Plan Update

To consider a report which focused on the progress made on the activities in the Year Ahead Delivery Plan and Council Plan performance measure data for Quarter 3.


Cabinet Portfolio: The Leader

Strategic Directorate: Assistant Chief Executive




The Vice-Chair welcomed the Leader of the Council, the Chief Executive and the Head of Policy, Performance and Intelligence to the meeting. Also in attendance was the Assistant Director of Streetpride and Community Safety.


The Board considered a report providing an update of progress made on the activities in the Year Ahead Delivery Plan and Council Plan performance measure data for Quarter 3 (October – December 2022).


The Council Plan 2022-25 was a key document which outlined the Council’s vision for the Borough and priorities for serving residents and communities and was informed by public consultation. The Plan provided the medium-term basis for targeting resources, informing the budget-setting process and planning cycles, and ensuring that residents could hold the Council to account for delivery.


To enable the Council to work towards the Council Plan outcomes and achieve the commitments, the Council Plan performance measure targets were reviewed annually, and the Year Ahead Delivery Plan was also updated. These were attached as appendices to the report.


The Vice-Chair invited the Leader to introduce the report. The Leader highlighted that 87% of actions were on track or completed, with examples given of initiatives such as use of the Towns and Villages fund; additional universal youth work and development of social supermarkets. Of the delayed actions, seven would be completed before the end of the performance year, with five moved to the next year. The delays and mitigations in respect of Thurcroft library and housing growth programmes had been discussed at previous meetings. In respect of the Early Help strategy, it was noted this had been paused in light of the Government’s Family Hub initiative but would be reviewed in due course. It was noted that further work was being undertaken in respect of local labour agreements.


With regards to performance measures that had declined, the Leader provided clarification about how engagement with domestic abuse services was to be improved. It was noted that in respect of the measure to process new housing benefit claims, changes would be made to the way data was collected to ensure that the measure focussed on the areas of Council responsibility. Changes would also be made to the apprenticeship measure to ensure that this captures new starters.


The Vice-Chair invited questions from the Board and a discussion on the following points ensued:


Clarification was sought regarding the target for issuing Community Protection Orders. It was outlined that the intention was to intervene early to prevent the necessity of issuing enforcement notices. The Assistant Director highlighted that a high proportion of issues were resolved at the warning stage and the service was considering how this type of activity could be captured in future performance measures. It was noted that the service had introduced more qualitative measures to assess street cleanliness.


Clarification was sought if staffing changes had affected enforcement activity in respect of litter, fly-tipping and untidy gardens, with examples given to illustrate the concerns raised at a ward level and perceptions that that residents were not seeing improvements. It was acknowledged that there had been staffing changes to build greater resilience in the service. It was noted that there had been no reduction in resources for this service and investment had been made to provide a seven-day, out-of-hours service.


Further details were requested regarding the increase in the numbers of successful prosecutions for fly-tipping. The Assistant Director highlighted that work had been undertaken with the Improving Places Select Commission to outline actions to address fly-tipping across a number of different services, including street cleansing, grounds maintenance, enforcement and housing. It was outlined that there had been significant investment in the use of CCTV cameras.


Details were sought on the roll-out of ward bulletins and how this could be promoted further using social media and local libraries. It was noted that a target had been set to drive activity to encourage wider take-up.


In respect of access to local libraries and neighbourhood hubs, it was noted that some areas had limited access to local provision and details were sought if this would be addressed. In response, the Leader outlined that the town centre development and relocation of the central library would make the library more accessible in addition to other initiatives, including partnerships with parish councils. It was also noted that there was a home library service that delivers to people who were unable to access buildings.


Clarification was sought regarding the number of business start-ups compared with closures and if support was offered to struggling businesses. The Chief Executive outlined that business advisers engage with businesses and provide advice about local networks, such as the Chamber of Commerce, and available grants. Wider work was also taking place with the South Yorkshire Combined Mayoral Authority at a strategic level to support business expansion and consolidation. It was felt that further emphasis could be given to measuring business retention.


Further explanation was requested regarding the 24.1% of targets that were not at expected levels. The Leader referred to his opening remarks and explained that the plan had a number of stretching targets and whilst performance may fluctuate periodically, the update gave an accurate reflection of progress and mitigating actions.


Details of the percentage of the road network classed as “green” was requested. It was highlighted that the current performance stood just below the target of 81%.


In closing, the Vice-Chair thanked the Leader and Chief Executive for the presentation and asked for suggestions for the work programme. The Leader confirmed that he would respond in due course.




1)    That Cabinet be advised that the following recommendations be supported.

1.    Note the overall position in relation to the Year Ahead Delivery Plan activities.

2.    Note the Quarter 3 2022-23 data for the Council Plan performance measures.

3.    Agree the revised Council Plan performance measure targets and the Year Ahead Delivery Plan for 2023-24

4.    Note the future performance reporting timetable.

2)    That consideration be given to how the wider take-up of ward bulletins can be promoted.


Supporting documents: