Agenda item


To report on the establishment of political groups, the political balance of the Council and the entitlement of each group to seats on the authority’s committees.


Consideration was given to the report that detailed the membership of political groups on the Council, political balance and the entitlement to seats on, and the proposed appointments to Committees, Boards and Panels.


It was noted that Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 placed a duty on local authorities to set out the principles to be followed when allocating seats to political groups and for these principles to be followed when determining such allocation following formal notification of the establishment of political groups in operation on the Council. It was noted further that there was a requirement on local authorities to annually review the entitlement of the political groups to seats on the committees of the Council.


The report stated that the allocation of seats must follow 2 principles:


a)             Balance must be achieved across the total number of available seats on Committees; and


b)             Balance must be achieved on each individual Committee or body where seats are available.


There were presently 4 political groups in operation on the Council – the Labour Group (majority), Conservative Group (opposition), Liberal Democrat (Lib Dem) Group and Independent Conservative Group – with 5 non-aligned councillors (members who are not in a political group).


There are 149 seats available on committees, boards and panels, which were allocated according to the political balance.


It was noted that there had been changes in the political groups since the report had been published and these would be reflected in a subsequent report to Council.


Councillor Bennett-Sylvester requested that his vote against the appointment of Scrutiny Chairs involving the Executive be recorded.


The Monitoring Officer sought clarification that Councillor Bennett-Sylvester was not proposing to vote against the recommendations as his understand was that would prevent any independent member from being appointed seats on any committee but that he was asking for the minutes to record the points made.


Councillor Elliott sought assurance that he would be appointed to the Improving Lives Select Commission.


Councillor Bennett-Sylvester requested that his vote against the appointment of Scrutiny Chairs involving the Executive be recorded.


Again, the Monitoring Officer sought clarification that Councillor Bennett-Sylvester was requesting that his view was noted in the minutes and was not proposing a vote against the recommendations.


Councillor A Carter explained that when the Liberal Democrat Group voted they were voting on the Liberal Democrat appointments to those committees.


The vote being carried with one vote against as per Section 17 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 appointments to committee for political groups were approved by majority, however the nomination to political balance to permit the appointment of independent councillors to committees was not approved.




1.    That the entitlement of the membership of the political groups be agreed and such entitlements be reflected in Council’s appointments of members to committees.


2.    That approval be given to the appointment of Members to committees, boards and panels, and the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs, as detailed in the Mayor’s Letter.


3.    That approval be given to the appointment of Members to joint committees, as detailed in the Mayor’s Letter.




Leader – Councillor Read

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Working – Councillor Allen

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People – Councillor Cusworth

Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health – Councillor Roche

Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy – Councillor Lelliott

Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment – Councillor Beck

Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion – Councillor Sheppard

Cabinet Member for Housing – Councillor Brookes

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Community Safety and Finance –

Councillor Alam


Audit Committee


Cllr Baker-Rogers (Chair)

Cllr Browne (Vice Chair)


Cllr Wyatt

Cllr Ball

Cllr Mills


Licensing Board


Cllr Ellis (Chair)

Cllr Hughes (Vice Chair)


Cllr Wyatt

Cllr Clark

Cllr Pitchley

Cllr Cooksey

Cllr Hoddinott

Cllr Monk

Cllr McNeely

Cllr Browne

Cllr Aveyard

Cllr Haleem

Cllr Barker

Cllr Castledine-Dack

Cllr T. Collingham

Cllr Mills

Cllr Reynolds

1 x Conservative Vacancy

1 x Liberal Democrats Vacancy

1 x Liberal Democrats Vacancy

1 x Vacancy


Licensing Committee


Cllr Ellis (Chair)

Cllr Hughes (Vice Chair)


Cllr Wyatt

Cllr Clark

Cllr Pitchley

Cllr Cooksey

Cllr Hoddinott

Cllr Monk

Cllr McNeely

Cllr Barker

Cllr T. Collingham

Cllr Mills

Cllr Reynolds

1 x Liberal Democrats Vacancy

1 x Vacancy


Planning Board


Cllr Atkin (Chair)

Cllr Bird (Vice Chair)


Cllr Taylor

Cllr Cowen

Cllr Andrews

Cllr Keenan

Cllr Sheppard

Cllr Khan

Cllr Havard

Cllr Ball

Cllr Bacon

Cllr Burnett

Cllr Fisher

Cllr Tarmey

1 x Vacancy


Staffing Committee


Cllr Read (Chair)

Cllr Allen (Vice Chair)


1 x appropriate Cabinet Member as determined by the matter to be considered

Cllr Ball

Cllr T Collingham


Standards and Ethics Committee


Cllr McNeely (Chair)

Cllr Griffin (Vice Chair)


Cllr Hughes

Cllr Sansome

Cllr Yasseen

Cllr Bacon

Cllr Z. Collingham

Cllr Tarmey


Parish Councillor Alan Buckley

Parish Councillor Monica Carroll

Parish Councillor Richard Swann


Independent Members:

Mrs. Adela Bingham

Mrs. Mags Evers

Ms. Kate Penney

Mr. Peter Edler


Independent Persons:

Mr. Phil Beavers

Mr. David Roper-Newman


Overview and Scrutiny Management Board


Cllr Clark (Chair)

Cllr Bacon (Vice Chair)


Cllr Baker-Rogers

Cllr Pitchley

Cllr Cooksey

Cllr Yasseen

Cllr Wyatt

Cllr Browne

Cllr Tinsley

Cllr Baum-Dixon

Cllr Miro

1 x Vacancy


Health Select Commission


Cllr Yasseen (Chair)

Cllr Miro (Vice Chair)


Cllr Griffin

Cllr Havard

Cllr Bird

Cllr Cooksey

Cllr Sansome

Cllr Hoddinott

Cllr Andrews

Cllr Keenan

Cllr Foster

Cllr Baum-Dixon

Cllr Hunter

1 x Conservative Vacancy

1 x Conservative Vacancy

1 x Conservative Vacancy

1 x Vacancy

1 x Vacancy


Improving Lives Select Commission


Cllr Pitchley (Chair)

Cllr Cooksey (Vice Chair)


Cllr Baker-Rogers

Cllr Griffin

Cllr Hughes

Cllr Monk

Cllr McNeely

Cllr Khan

Cllr Haleem

Cllr Atkin

Cllr Bacon

Cllr Z. Collingham

1 x Conservative Vacancy

1 x Conservative Vacancy

1 x Vacancy

1 x Vacancy


Improving Places Select Commission


Cllr Wyatt (Chair)

Cllr Tinsley (Vice Chair)


Cllr Taylor

Cllr Havard

Cllr Cowen

Cllr Ellis

Cllr Atkin

Cllr McNeely

Cllr Aveyard

Cllr Khan

Cllr Andrews

Cllr T. Collingham

Cllr Castledine-Dack

Cllr Reynolds

1 x Conservative Vacancy

Cllr C Carter

1 x Vacancy

1 x Vacancy


Corporate Parenting Group


Cllr Cusworth (Chair)

Cllr Pitchley (Vice Chair)


Cllr Browne

Cllr Burnett

Cllr Z. Collingham


Introductory Tenancy Review Panel


Chair and Vice Chair to be drawn from members of the Improving Lives Scrutiny Commission or Improving Places Scrutiny Commission


Cllr McNeely

Cllr Cooksey

1 x Conservative Vacancy

1 x Vacancy




Joint Consultative Committee


Cllr Alam (Chair)

Cllr Allen (Vice Chair)


Cllr Clark

1 x Conservative Vacancy

1 x Conservative Vacancy


Health and Wellbeing Board


Cllr Roche (Chair)

Cllr Cusworth




Sheffield City Region Mayoral Combined Authority Board


Cllr Read


Sheffield City Region Mayoral Combined Authority Board Rotational Member


Cllr Lelliott


Sheffield City Region Mayoral Combined Authority Local Enterprise Partnership Board


Cllr Read

Cllr Allen – Substitute


Sheffield City Region Combined Authority Housing and Infrastructure Board


Cllr Brookes

Cllr Beck - Substitute


Sheffield City Region Transport and Environment Board


Cllr Read

Cllr Beck - Substitute


Sheffield City Region Education, Skills and Employability Board


Cllr Lelliott

Cllr Cusworth - Substitute


Sheffield City Region Business Growth and Recovery Board


Cllr Lelliott

Cllr Allam – Substitute


Sheffield City Region Audit, Standards and Risk Committee


Cllr Castledine-Dack

Vacant - Substitute


Sheffield City Region Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Cllr Clark

Cllr Wyatt - Substitute

Cllr Bacon

Cllr Hunter - Substitute


South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority


Cllr Sansome

Cllr Ball


South Yorkshire Pension Authority – RMBC Vice-Chair for 23/24 & 24/25


Cllr Havard (s41 responsibilities)

Cllr David Fisher


South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel


Cllr Haleem

Cllr Baum-Dixon


Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation Joint Committee


Cllr Atkin


Supporting documents: