Agenda item

Wath Projects (Levelling Up Fund)


Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




1.             That Cabinet accept the Principal Areas of Growth allocation of £19,990,111 into the Capital Programme through the Grant Process.


2.             That Cabinet allocate £8,940,564 to the Wath Project.


3.             That Cabinet delegate the Commissioning of the design of the project based on the parameters in paragraph 1.2.1 to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and the Environment in Consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Economy and the Section 151 Officer.


4.             That Cabinet agree to the development of ‘Principal Areas of Growth’ projects in Wath with further detail provided to Cabinet in February 2024.



Consideration was given to the report which sought approval to develop a programme of works delivering the investment in Wath. This was following the allocation by the Government at Spring Budget 2023, at which Rotherham Council was allocated £19,990,111 in respect of the ‘Principal Areas of Growth’ Levelling Up bid.


It was important that there was an inclusive Rotherham, and this was another step to achieving that aim, with sites across the borough receiving significant investment over the next few years.


A consultation meeting with traders had already taken place.


The report was welcomed but it was queried if lessons had been learned in terms of traffic measures, diversions from recent developments to lessen any potential impacts during further development. It was clarified that every effort would be taken to reduce the amount of disruption it could not be mitigated against completely.


It was confirmed that the Memorandum of Understanding had now been signed.




1.             That Cabinet accepted the Principal Areas of Growth allocation of £19,990,111 into the Capital Programme through the Grant Process.


2.             That Cabinet allocated £8,940,564 to the Wath Project.


3.             That Cabinet delegated the Commissioning of the design of the project based on the parameters in paragraph 2.3.1 to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and the Environment in Consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Economy and the Section 151 Officer.


4.             That Cabinet agreed to the development of ‘Principal Areas of Growth’ projects in Wath with further detail provided to Cabinet in February 2024.

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