Agenda item

Aids and Adaptations Policy


Report from the Strategic Director for Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.




That Cabinet:


1.    Notes the proposed approach to undertaking a review of the Aids and Adaptations Assistance Policy and the intention to return to Cabinet with an updated policy in December 2023.


2.    Delegates authority for all aids and adaptations costing over £30,000 to the Assistant Director for Housing in line with the national threshold for ‘discretionary’ funding and until the new policy is adopted.


3.    Delegates authority for approvals of aids and adaptations costing over £50,000 to the Assistant Director for Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing in line with the current agreed policy and until the new policy is adopted.



Consideration was given to the report which introduced the Council’s proposed approach to the review of the Aids and Adaptations Assistance Policy, which was first introduced in 2015. It also clarified the interim measures for financial approval of all major adaptations costing above the mandatory £30,000 limit.


There had been recent feedback on Aids and Adaptations from a recent Tenant Scrutiny Panel along with new Government Guidance that had been proposed.


The scheme was run in partnership with Housing, Adult Social Care and the NHS to support residents to stay independent in their homes. It was split in two with the Minor Adaptations which could involve stair lifts and level access with Major Adaptations consisting of home extensions, therefore there was a range of finance to consider.


The operational procedures would be considered as part of the review with an update brought back to Cabinet in December 2023.


Resolved: That Cabinet:


1.             Noted the proposed approach to undertaking a review of the Aids and Adaptations Assistance Policy and the intention to return to Cabinet with an updated policy in December 2023.


2.             Delegated authority for all aids and adaptations costing over £30,000 to the Assistant Director for Housing in line with the national threshold for ‘discretionary’ funding and until the new policy is adopted.


3.             Delegated authority for approvals of aids and adaptations costing over £50,000 to the Assistant Director for Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing in line with the current agreed policy and until the new policy was adopted.

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