Agenda item

Maltby Project (Towns & Villages Fund)

Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




That Cabinet:


1.    Note the continued progress on the Towns and Villages Fund.


2.    Allocates up to £823,000 to the scheme in Maltby East, and delegates the delivery of the scheme to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Working. 



Consideration was given to the report which noted that the Towns and Villages Fund was a £4m Capital Programme, aiming to improve the Borough’s local town and village centres. Four phases of work, delivering twenty-two schemes were allocated £3.177m in January 2022, with £823,000 left unallocated. This report provided an update on the proposals being developed for Maltby and provided options on the next steps for the twenty-third scheme within the programme.


It was important to note that the locations for the schemes and their detail was derived from ward members working with their communities and their neighbourhood teams to identify the local priorities. 


The report proposed that the unallocated £823,000 be allocated to Maltby.  It was explained that some pre-design work had been undertaken which resulted in the Maltby High Street development proposal.  The priorities identified for the scheme were pedestrian access, hard and soft landscaping, street furniture and defining the high street.  It was expected that those schemes would be delivered using internal schemes wherever possible.


Consultation on the proposals would be undertaken throughout the summer and initial engagement with ward members had already begun.  There would be some wider stakeholder engagement with external partners.


The Leader noted that Maltby had been a priority within the scheme.  Maltby high street was a large space that needed a lot of investment.  He noted that seven schemes had been delivered through the Towns and Villages Fund, with two or three being delivered.  He welcomed a prompt delivery of the scheme to benefit the community in Maltby.


Resolved: That Cabinet:

1.    Noted the continued progress on the Towns and Villages Fund.


2.    Allocated up to £823,000 to the scheme in Maltby East and delegates the delivery of the scheme to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Working.

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