To consider a report from the Assistant Chief Executive.
That Cabinet note:
1. The overall position in relation to the Year Ahead Delivery Plan activities.
2. The Quarter 4 2022-23 data for the Council Plan performance measures.
3. The performance reporting timetable for the remainder of the 2022-2023 year.
The Chair invited the Head of Policy, Performance and Intelligence to present the report. Also in attendance for this item were the Strategic Director for Finance and Customer Services, the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment; the Assistant Director, Early Help, CYPS; the Interim Assistant Director, Strategic Commissioning, ACHPH; and the Assistant Director, Human Resources, ACE.
The report provided Members with an annual update on the delivery of the Council Plan and the final report on the Year Ahead Delivery Plan for 2022-2023. The report focused on the progress made since April 2022 against the 92 actions and milestones in the Year Ahead Delivery Plan. It also included Quarter 4 performance data on the 66 Council Plan performance measures. As in previous quarters, Appendix 1 of the report included a high-level overview along with a note of achievements and challenges, Year Ahead Delivery Plan trackers and performance scorecards. As with previous reports, it also included case studies and a timeline of key achievements/activities.
Following feedback from OSMB Members the progress report brought together the achievements and challenges into a single section, providing a summary of overall progress across our Council Plan themes.
It was noted that good progress was made in 2022-2023 on the activities within the Year Ahead Delivery Plan. In total 80% (74) of the activities were completed with a further 7% (6) on track for delivery after 31 March 2023. 3 actions were delayed by less than 3 months and 9 actions would not be met within 3 months of the original target date.
The report also included performance information on the 66 performance measures contained within the Council Plan. The performance measures show that the number of measures hitting their target was only 50% of those measured (44% overall as 12% do not have targets). In total, 29 performance measures had hit their target for the year (50% of those with targets) and 29 did not hit their target. There were 28 performance measures where performance improved during the year and 28 where it fell compared to the previous year. This was a better position than at quarter 3 where only 24 measures were on track to hit their targets. Management were taking action to address areas where performance needed to improve, and it was expected that more targets will be hit in the course of 2023-24 as a result.
Future Reporting
It was noted that there would be two public monitoring reports during 2023-2024.
The Chair invited questions from the Board and a discussion on the following issues ensued:
· Clarification was sought on the process of safe discharge from hospital. It was outlined that health colleagues followed strict protocols and there was an integrated discharged team to ensure smooth transition between hospital, social care and community services. Further details were requested on what safeguards were in place in case discharge was not appropriate. It was outlined that assessments were undertaken to ensure that individuals were stabilised in their care setting and assurance given that action would be taken if individuals were not safe and well. Assurance was given that the care needs of individuals were assessed and those requiring residential care would be supported appropriately.
· Further details were requested on engagement with domestic abuse services which appeared to be significantly below target. It was noted that there were two different referral processes which was not captured under the existing definition. Examples were given by Board Members of residents having difficulties accessing services. A briefing would be provided to Improving Lives Select Commission.
· In respect of workforce development, it was noted that the current targets based on working population did not take account of census data that had been published recently. It was outlined that the targets would be revised now the data was available.
· Further details were sought on homelessness and the work being undertaken to reduce use of hotels as temporary accommodation. It was outlined that the Cabinet had recently approved a Homeless Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy. It was noted that the service was experiencing pressures relating to cost-of-living, insecurity in the private rented sector and more people with complex needs. It was outlined that Members would receive a briefing outlining actions in the Autumn.
· Clarification was sought on the delay in developing and delivering a programme of consultation and engagement on the future, supported accommodation offer for those with learning disabilities and autism. In response it was outlined that the strategy had been delayed in order to ensure that the engagement captured the lived experience of service users and carers. A report would be submitted to Cabinet in February 2024.
· Further details were sought on whether pavements were included in the performance target on the numbers of unclassified roads classed as ‘green’ status. It was clarified that footways were not included in this measure. It was noted that Improving Places Select Commission have raised the issue of improvements to footways and pavements with the relevant Cabinet Member.
· An explanation was requested on the decrease in the proportion of waste sent for reuse or recycling. It was outlined that the amount of reusable waste increased during the pandemic. It was noted that the new contract for Household Waste Recycling sites would start in the autumn. It was anticipated that levels of recycling and reuse would improve.
· The timeline for the refreshed Early Help Strategy was outlined with it being submitted to Cabinet early in 2024.
· In respect of Community Protection Notices, details were sought about the rapid improvement in performance in quarter 4. It was outlined that the service had recruited staff to undertake preventative and enforcement activity, including issuing warnings and fines. Assurance was given that performance would be monitored.
1) That Cabinet be advised that the following recommendations be supported:
That Cabinet note:
1. The overall position in relation to the Year Ahead Delivery Plan activities.
2. The Quarter 4 2022-23 data for the Council Plan performance measures.
3. The performance reporting timetable for the remainder of the 2022-2023 year.
Supporting documents: