Agenda item

Cabinet's Response to Scrutiny Review Recommendations - Modern Slavery


Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment. 



1.    That the Cabinet response to the Scrutiny Review Recommendations in respect of Modern Slavery as set out in section 1.4 of this report be approved.



Consideration was given to the report which set out the proposed Cabinet response to the recommendations from the Scrutiny spotlight review into Modern Slavery which took place on 1 November 2022. The nine recommendations had been presented in the report to Cabinet on 19 June 2023 and the table at paragraph 1.4 of the current report outlined those recommendations and how it was proposed that they would be addressed.


Recommendation 1 related to a programme of targeted learning and development.  This recommendation was accepted and activity to date included discussions with training providers and a Members Seminar had been planned.


Recommendation 2 related to if the Safer Rotherham Partnership (SRP) would consider mapping the local modern slavery landscape. This recommendation was accepted and activity to date included discussions with relevant partners.


Recommendation 3 related to establishing an internal RMBC governance group. This recommendation was accepted, and the first meeting of the Council’s Modern Slavery Steering Group was held in June 2023. Further meetings were arranged.


Recommendation 4 related to how young adults at risk of experiencing modern slavery were safeguarded during the transition from children to adults services. This recommendation was accepted and was due to be discussed at the Modern Slavery Steering Group.


Recommendation 5 related to developing referral pathways to ensure that modern slavery victims had access to appropriate support. This recommendation was accepted. It was noted that local and national pathways were already available, and these would be communicated to all partners. Quality assurance mechanisms would also review the effectiveness of these pathways. 


Recommendation 6 related to the relaunching of the Strategic Partnership Information Sharing Group at the earliest opportunity. This recommendation was accepted. The Council’s Community Safety team would work with local partners to ensure data sharing took place through the South Yorkshire Slavery Tactical Partnership Group and other groups.


Recommendation 7 related to widening the levels of investigation and auditing of contracts procured by the Council to focus on the “layers” of sub-contractors. This recommendation was accepted, and training would be developed and delivered to the Council’s Contract Managers.

Recommendation 8 related to how the Procurement Team could engage with the South Yorkshire Mayoral Authority Supply Chain Advisor to improve processes, joint working and awareness. This recommendation was accepted as the Council’s Procurement Services Manager was a core member of the Council’s Modern Slavery Steering Group and the Procurement Services team already worked with the SYMCA Supply Chain Advisor on a regular basis.


Recommendation 9 related to how victim advocates could make recommendations to the Housing Assessment Panels on behalf of victims of modern slavery. This recommendation was accepted as the process was already in place.


Councillor Alam thanked the Chair and Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board for their important work on this matter.




1.    That the Cabinet response to the Scrutiny Review Recommendations in respect of Modern Slavery, as set out in section 1.4 of this report, be approved.


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