Agenda item

Joint Regional Statement of Common Ground


Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment. 



That Cabinet:-


1.    Approves that the Council be a signatory to the Joint Regional Statement of Common Ground.


Consideration was given to the report which noted that all Council’s had a statutory duty to co-operate when preparing local plans. Local planning authorities in South Yorkshire had worked together in a joint statement of common ground for the region. The statement covered energy, climate change, housing, employment, transport, natural environment, waste and digital connectivity.


This statement had been updated from the previous version, approved in 2019, and covered current challenges with an additional focus on energy, climate change, the natural environment and the waste.


This statement would help all councils in the region as they prepare and reveal their Local Plan as it demonstrates they had met the duty to co-operate at a strategic scale.


Resolved: That Cabinet:


1.    Approved that the Council be a signatory to the Joint Regional Statement of Common Ground.

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