Agenda item

Digital Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan


Report from the Strategic Director for Finance and Customer Services.



That Cabinet:


  1. Notes the work undertaken to date as part of the Digital Inclusion programme.
  2. Endorse the co-designed Digital Inclusion Strategy and support the approach being taken to help people and communities who are most at risk from digital exclusion.


Consideration was given to the report was to provide an update on progress on the Rotherham Digital Inclusion programme. This was established in 2021 to tackle inequalities and digital exclusion and the funding was provided through the NHS Digital Aspirant Programme grant, RMBC Capital Digital Strategy, and 2021/22 Council revenue budget.


The Digital Inclusion Stakeholder group currently consisted of representation from different organisations within the Rotherham Place including AGE UK Rotherham, Rotherfed, Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR), Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance (REMA), NHS, RNN Colleges and Rotherham Council along with engaging with key stakeholders including older people, people living in deprived areas or disadvantaged groups, along with areas of concern which were East Herringthorpe, Rotherham Central, Thrybergh, and Maltby East.


The Council wanted to ensure this was co-produced with key stakeholders which would involve some outreach work ensuring that no-one was left behind. It would also include evaluation and monitoring of progress going forward.


The report was considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (OSMB), who felt it was a clear report. Questions were asked around consultation, how the locations were chosen, how the seldom heard groups were reached, and OSMB felt positive that the student volunteers were available.  Clear and satisfactory explanations were provided. OSMB reviewed the report and supported the recommendations.


The Leader noted that 2 members of staff were being recruited so the actions, which had already begun, would be stepped up over the coming months.


Resolved: That Cabinet:


  1. Noted the work undertaken to date as part of the Digital Inclusion programme.


  1. Endorsed the co-designed Digital Inclusion Strategy and support the approach being taken to help people and communities who are most at risk from digital exclusion.

Supporting documents: