Agenda item

Local Labour Policy - Planning

Report from the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.




1.    That Cabinet adopts the Local Labour Policy Interim Policy Statement.


Consideration was given to the report which sought Cabinet approval to adopt the Local Labour Policy Interim Policy Statement. This Policy would set out the requirements for major and/or employment generating development entering into Local Labour Agreements, increasing the opportunities for local people to access training and local employment.


Rotherham’s Local Plan provided the framework for determining planning applications. Core Strategy Policy CS10 ‘Improving Skills and Employment Opportunities’ set out how the Council would work with partners to promote education, training and local employment opportunities. The purpose of the Local Labour Policy Interim Policy Statement (IPS) was to provide guidance on how Policy CS10 would be implemented by requiring developers to enter into Local Labour Agreements through planning conditions. Once adopted, it would be a material consideration which could be taken into account when determining planning applications.

The Council was looking for new major developments or where development would result in the creation of 15 or more new full-time jobs, to contribute through the provision of new local jobs, education and training opportunities where this was appropriate and viable. It was recognised that these could include opportunities both during the construction phase of development through to eventual occupiers.

Two different planning conditions could be used and, depending on the nature and scale of development, one or both could be imposed when granting planning permission. Those requirements would also be highlighted as part of any pre-application discussions on major schemes. The first condition related to the submission of a scheme to show the use of local labour during the construction phase for Major Developments. The second condition related to the use of Local Labour in the operational development for Major schemes. This would only be relevant where there was employment generated as a part of the application, such as, retail, office, major industrial developments etc.

During the meeting Councillor Lelliott confirmed that this had been one of the commitments made by the Labour Group in their manifesto in 2021.




1.    That Cabinet adopts the Local Labour Policy Interim Policy Statement.

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