Agenda item


Notice of Motion – Adoption of a proportional mechanism for nomination of the Deputy Mayor


To be moved by Councillor Drew Tarmey and seconded by Councillor Adam Carter:


That this Council:

a.    Recognises the important role the Mayor and Deputy Mayor play in the civic life of the Borough.

b.    Accepts that every citizen in the Borough should have the opportunity over a period of time to be represented by a ‘first citizen’ who shares their individual values and lived experiences.

c.     Accepts that, although the roles of Mayor and Deputy Mayor are not political appointments, it has been the convention in recent years for the majority political group to select the Deputy Mayor as a consequence of its overall voting majority.

d.    Accepts that in recent years the political composition of the council and the expectations of the public have changed; therefore, consideration should be given to the principle of political balance when mayoral appointments are made.

e.    Seeks to adopt a voluntary protocol to ensure that the right to nominate the Deputy Mayor (and therefore the mayoralty) rotates between council groups.


Therefore, this Council resolves to:

a.    Avoid multiple nominations for the office of Deputy Mayor by adopting a protocol to ensure that the right to nominate the Deputy Mayor rotates between political groupings on the basis of the number of ‘points’ accrued by that group.

b.    Adopt a points-based system, the balance of which is to be maintained by the relevant Officers, as follows:

a.    Each political group accrues points equal to the total number of elected members in their group on the 1st January each year (to a maximum of 59).

b.    The group having the greatest number of points in any year will be invited to nominate the Deputy Mayor, and 59 points will be deducted from the balance of that group (a negative balance is permitted).

c.     In the event of two groups having the same number of points, the group holding the mayoralty least recently invited to nominate the Deputy Mayor.

d.    Where a group is not able to nominate a member, they shall lose 50% of the points for nominating a Deputy Mayor. This rule may be waived by agreement in consultation with group leaders (for example, very small groups).

e.    In the event that a group ceases to exist its points are lost and are not transferrable to another group. Similarly, if a group splits, points will be retained by the largest of the successor groups.

f.      In the event that a member retires or is not re-elected to the council during their term as Deputy Mayor or Mayor, the same group shall nominate their successor. If the Mayor retires or is not re-elected the Deputy Mayor shall become Mayor and will serve more than one full term, the group of the departing member shall nominate the Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the year only.

g.    The adoption of this protocol does not alter the right of the Council to elect any of its members as Deputy Mayor or Mayor at the Annual Council Meeting; it is intended to provide clarity and structure to the process. This proposal is not intended to alter the existing mayoral succession plan for the next municipal year, except in accordance with the procedure outlined above. Points will begin to accrue from 1st January 2024.


Notice of Motion – Adoption of a proportional mechanism for nomination of the Deputy Mayor


To be moved by Councillor Drew Tarmey and seconded by Councillor Adam Carter:

That this Council:

a.    Recognises the important role the Mayor and Deputy Mayor play in the civic life of the Borough.

b.    Accepts that every citizen in the Borough should have the opportunity over a period of time to be represented by a ‘first citizen’ who shares their individual values and lived experiences.

c.     Accepts that, although the roles of Mayor and Deputy Mayor are not political appointments, it has been the convention in recent years for the majority political group to select the Deputy Mayor as a consequence of its overall voting majority.

d.    Accepts that in recent years the political composition of the council and the expectations of the public have changed; therefore, consideration should be given to the principle of political balance when mayoral appointments are made.

e.    Seeks to adopt a voluntary protocol to ensure that the right to nominate the Deputy Mayor (and therefore the mayoralty) rotates between council groups.


Therefore, this Council resolves to:

a.    Avoid multiple nominations for the office of Deputy Mayor by adopting a protocol to ensure that the right to nominate the Deputy Mayor rotates between political groupings on the basis of the number of ‘points’ accrued by that group.

b.    Adopt a points-based system, the balance of which is to be maintained by the relevant Officers, as follows:

a.    Each political group accrues points equal to the total number of elected members in their group on the 1st January each year (to a maximum of 59).

b.    The group having the greatest number of points in any year will be invited to nominate the Deputy Mayor, and 59 points will be deducted from the balance of that group (a negative balance is permitted).

c.     In the event of two groups having the same number of points, the group holding the mayoralty least recently invited to nominate the Deputy Mayor.

d.    Where a group is not able to nominate a member, they shall lose 50% of the points for nominating a Deputy Mayor. This rule may be waived by agreement in consultation with group leaders (for example, very small groups).

e.    In the event that a group ceases to exist its points are lost and are not transferrable to another group. Similarly, if a group splits, points will be retained by the largest of the successor groups.

f.      In the event that a member retires or is not re-elected to the council during their term as Deputy Mayor or Mayor, the same group shall nominate their successor. If the Mayor retires or is not re-elected the Deputy Mayor shall become Mayor and will serve more than one full term, the group of the departing member shall nominate the Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the year only.

g.    The adoption of this protocol does not alter the right of the Council to elect any of its members as Deputy Mayor or Mayor at the Annual Council Meeting; it is intended to provide clarity and structure to the process. This proposal is not intended to alter the existing mayoral succession plan for the next municipal year, except in accordance with the procedure outlined above. Points will begin to accrue from 1st January 2024.


On being put to the vote, the motion was lost.