Agenda item


To put questions, if any, to the designated Members on the discharge of functions of the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority, South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and South Yorkshire Pensions Authority, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11(5).


Question 1: Councillor Burnett:

This question was withdrawn.


Question 2: Councillor Burnett:

Could you inform me when the last review of fire cover was conducted in Rotherham?


Councillor Wyatt responded that the Service held discussions in relation to fire cover at Rotherham in 2014 whilst Close Proximity Crewing was being considered.  The day staffing appliance was introduced in 2017.  Currently the service was preparing for a new Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP).  As part of that process a full fire cover review in South Yorkshire would be conducted.


Question 3: Councillor Burnett:

With the amount of housing and warehouses being built within the borough, should the second night shift at Rotherham station be a permanent night shift?


Councillor Wyatt responded that any re-integration of a permanent second night shift appliance at Rotherham would be based on overall risk, which would and did change over time. The service considered risk across the whole service when looking at resource allocation and any such change would be determined by the fire cover review planned as part of the CRMP process. 


In his supplementary question Councillor Burnett indicated his understanding was Rotherham should have 9 fire fighters 24 hrs a day, but it had 8 during the day and 4 on a night shift.  He believed that one of the fire engines was shipped out to cover elsewhere, 90% of the time, thus reducing firefighters in the Rotherham station to 4.  There was a reduction in Dearne.  Rotherham was potentially getting busier, and he accepted there was going to be a review, but did he support the additional nightshift crew in Rotherham to protect residents and businesses now as there had been an increase in housing and warehouses?


Councillor Wyatt indicated that a response would be provided in writing to the supplementary question.


Question 4: Councillor Burnett:

Please could you provide the council with an update on the forecasted  financial position of SYP for the current year?


Councillor Haleem responded indicating that South Yorshire Police’s financial position was presented bi-monthly to the PCC’s Public Accountability Board (PAB). 


The South Yorkshire Police Force forecasted financial position as reported to Police Accountability Board on 7th September 2023 and as published on the website showed an underspend of £1.49m.


Budget monitoring reports contain a forecasted financial position only and, as we know from the council’s own reports, forecasts change from month to month.


The next report was due to on 6th November which would, also be published on the website.


In his supplementary Councillor Burnett noted that when he asked about the precept rise earlier in the year, you indicated you fully supported the rise in the precept, that you were happy to follow the advice of the financial experts but did critise another member for their views about the rise, who was critical and voted against the rise.  That Member was not able to have a voice in the chamber, but the reasons were for this were now understood.  It was noted that the Member had later clarified that they did not want residents of Rotherham paying an increase in the precept.  South Yorkshire Police was currently forecasting and underspend. Councillor Haleem and other members of the panel had potentially fallen short of properly scrutinising the Commissioner so an apology be issued and would they properly scrutinise the Commissioners officer espectially if there was to be an underspeand?


Councillor Haleem said They were glad South Yorkshire Police are being resourced through the precent to recruit more police on a permanent basis. That is the position advocated by the government. It is bizarre that it was not the position advocated by Rotherham Conservatives.


Question 5: Councillor Ball:

Was it you as chair that cancelled the budget working group only for it to have to be reinstated by the commissioner?


Councillor Haleem responded that she could confirm that no meetings of the Budget Working Group had been cancelled by the Chair, Commissioner or by the Panel.  As Rotherham MBC’s representative on the Budget Working Group, she would expect to be attending forthcoming meetings.


Question 6: Councillor Ball:

What were the reasons for you as Chair removing the performance group from the police and crime panel?


In her response Councillor Haleem noted that at the Police and Crime Panel Annual meeting held on 12 June 2023, Members agreed that arrangements would be made with the Commissioner’s Office for all Panel Members to attend a Performance Induction Briefing later this year.  Arrangements were currently being made for November 2023.  Members would then consider appointing a Lead and Deputy Lead Member for Performance following the Performance Induction Briefing and agreed a future cycle of meeting dates.


She explained that meetings of the Performance Sub-Group were therefore currently in abeyance, but she did not remove them, and was not the Chair at the time the decision was taken in June.


In his supplementary Councillor Ball asked if she agreed with him that if the performance group was removed that it indicated there was something to hide.  Could she provide any reasons as to why this group had been removed?


Councillor Haleem confirmed that she had nothing to hide.


Question 7: Councillor Ball:

Could you inform him how many South Yorkshire Police officers were being investigated for gross misconduct at the present time?


Councillor Haleem indicated that it would be a question he would need to direct to the Chief Constable.  She could tell him that South Yorkshire Police Force published the outcome of misconduct hearings on their website. There had been 7 misconduct hearings between May and August and of them 4 officers were dismissed without notice, 2 officers had already resigned but would have been dismissed without notice and 1 officer received a final written warning for a maximum of 2 years.


In his supplementary Councillor Ball asked if Council Haleem felt it was good enough given the size of the force in South Yorkshire and was there anything to compare that against?


Councillor Haleem declined to answer the question.


Question 8: Councillor Hoddinott:

Had the Police and Crime Panel looked at the effectiveness of the police response to traffic offences including speeding?


Councillor Haleem said on behalf of the Police and Crime Panel, she could confirm that the Panel had, on a quarterly basis, scrutinised, questioned and received assurances from the Commissioner around South Yorkshire Police’s response to traffic offences including speeding. 


At the Panel meeting held on 3 February 2023, Members received the Commissioner’s draft Police and Crime Plan for 2023-2025.  At this meeting, the Commissioner informed Members that the key theme behind the plan was ‘Working Together for a Safer South Yorkshire’, reflecting what had happened in the past year with the forefront concerns being around road safety and safer streets. It was also recognised that Police would not be able to carry out all duties as a single organisation, but that partnership working would be required for some priorities.


Following publication of the Commissioner’s final Police and Crime Plan for 2023-2025, the Panel received the Quarter 1 Monitoring Delivery of the Police and Crime Plan Quarterly Report (April to June 2023), at its meeting held on 25 September 2023, which set out the achievements made against the areas of focus within the Police and Crime Plan (Tackling Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour - including Speeding and Road Safety).  The Quarter 1 performance report focused on the work of two of the four neighbourhood teams - Barnsley and Sheffield and provided updates on their progress.


The Panel would continue to actively question the Commissioner on the work being undertaken by South Yorkshire Police to reduce traffic offences including speeding in our local areas.


In her supplementary Councillor Hoddinott welcomed that this was being continually considered.  Road safety and speeding was an issue across the borough.  She felt there were things that could be done as a council, which had the road safety schemes however enforcement was a really key part of it and she asked if the Panel could scrutinise not just the forces work but also how they worked in partnership with the Safer Road Partnership ensuring they were playing a full role.  It was concerning to see the figures for death and serious injuries in South Yorkshire for road traffic accidents was not good and wasn’t good when compared with others nationally.


Councillor Haleem confirmed this would continue to be scrutinised.