Agenda item

Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy and Action Plan Update

Rebecca Bench/Ben Anderson to present


Rebecca Woolley, Public Health Specialist gave the following powerpoint presentation:-



-        Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy and (live) action plan was first adopted in April 2022

-        Rotherham’s Place Plan was refreshed last year with prevention and health inequalities now being a crosscutting workstream rather than an ‘enabler’

-        Although the action plan had always been live, work had taken place to take stock of the current position and ensure alignment with the Place Plan and other key strategic documents


Key messages from engagement with partners

-        Already had a strong framework – the 5 priorities still felt like the right ones to focus the action plan around

-        Funding, resources, capacity

-        Need to be clear on our focus

-        Lived experience and community intelligence/engagement

-        Reaching our underserved communities

-        Assurance of the inclusivity of our universal offer

-        The complexity of the system and question of how we support frontline staff to navigate this

-        Emphasis on personalisation and a holistic approach – focussing on both mental and physical health


Action Plan

-        Deliver against the clinical areas in the Core20Plus5 and Prevention High Impact Intervention frameworks

-        Develop our approach to Population Health management in Rotherham including supporting the development of tools, reporting, data-sharing arrangements, resources and approaches based on evidence of need

-        Strengthen our approach to personalisation in Rotherham

-        Prevent and delay care needs through technology-enabled care

-        Embed strengths-based approaches to Social Care in Rotherham to increase self-care, reduce social isolation and promote independence

-        Develop our proactive care model

-        Raise awareness around our local prevention offer and promote self-management through delivery of the Say Yes campaign

-        Review our prevention pathway with the aim of reducing duplication and improving the inclusivity of our offer for Plus groups (including people with SMI and LD)

-        Build exercise into long term conditions pathways

-        Explore opportunities to make our Health and Social Care Services more inclusive for people living in poverty

-        Increase the representation of ethnic minority communities at every level of our workforce with a focus on recruitment, retention and progression

-        Build the understanding of our collective workforce around prevention and health inequalities to support use to Make Every Contact Count


Progress since September

-        Expansion of the outcomes framework and health inequalities tool to incorporate profiles for our Core20Plus5 clinical areas and ethnic minority communities

-        Engagement with over 1,200 people with long term conditions in Maltby and Dinnington

-        Launch of the Say Yes campaign following approval at PLT

-        Delivery of the Better Health Service seeing positive early outcomes and feedback from both service-users and professionals

-        Partnership working around the development of an integrated service model for Diabetes including a prevention workstream

-        Recruitment underway to establish a Prevention Team within Adult Social Care

-        Mobilisation of the timely cancer presentation project

-        Rollout of cultural competency training within Primary Care

-        Engagement with partners around chronic pain

-        Work underway to expand the remit of the Healthy Hospitals Programme within TRFT


Next Steps

-        Recommission the Falls Prevention Service and use learning to inform the development of the wider exercise in clinical pathways programme

-        Undertake a self-assessment against the national personalisation model and understand areas for improvement in Rotherham

-        Continue to engage local people in Maltby and Dinnington and present insights to Place partners and key stakeholders

-        Review services and roles across Health and Social Care that contribute to prevention through Social Prescribing (and other complementary enablers)

-        Deliver against the Say Yes action plan and evaluate impact

-        Work with the Workforce and OD Enabler Group to build the understanding of the workforce around prevention and health inequalities and on EDI

-        Develop stronger links with the Council’s Housing Service, building on successes such as work to address damp and mould


The Chair reported that it was the consensus of the Joint Chairs of the Health and Wellbeing Boards in South Yorkshire that the ICB should focus more on prevention and health inequalities.


Becky was thanked for her presentation.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy update be noted.


(2)  That the next steps outlined in the presentation be endorsed.

Supporting documents: