Agenda item

Expansion of Waverley Junior Academy


Report from the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services.




1.    That Cabinet note release of the Section 106 funding, as per the agreement with Harworth, to create additional capacity of 210 paces at Waverley Junior Academy now that trigger has been met.


2.    That Cabinet approve the addition of the proposed expansion to the Capital Programme.



Consideration was given to the report which sought Cabinet approval to progress the expansion of Waverley Junior Academy through the use of Section 106 developer funding to accommodate current and future demand for places. This would be subject to a successful planning application and Department for Education approval for significant change.


Waverley Junior Academy opened in September 2020 in response to need created for primary school places by a new housing development. It was originally developed as a 2-form entry school, providing 60 places per year group, with the potential for expansion if needed. The school was oversubscribed and this trend was set to continue in future years. Projections based on the pupil yield created during the development indicated that the expansion by creation of a third form of entry would be required to meet need across the local area in September 2025.


It had been possible to utilise capacity in other schools across the planning area to meet demand to date and it was anticipated that this would remain the case for entry in 2024. Beyond this time the capacity at schools within a reasonable distance would not be sufficient to meet projected demand. The expansion of Waverley Junior Academy was anticipated to meet growing demand for school places across the planning area as a result of new development on the Waverley development and was, therefore, not projected to impact the overall capacity in local schools.


Under the Section 106 Agreement with the developer, Harworth Group would pay on request to the Council the sum of £2.945m, subject to the Building Cost Information Service index, on occupation of between 1,500-1,700 dwellings. This threshold had now been met with 1,600 dwellings occupied and the amount payable based on the November 2023 forecast was £3,131m.


A project group of key stakeholders across Education, Planning and Asset Management would be established to oversee the planning, development, and implementation of the project. The estimated cost of the expansion, including a 10% contingency and 15% fees was £2,936m. The building work would be procured and delivered by the Council.




1.    That Cabinet note release of the Section 106 funding, as per the agreement with Harworth, to create additional capacity of 210 places at Waverley Junior Academy now that trigger has been met.


2.    That Cabinet approve the addition of the proposed expansion to the Capital Programme.

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