Agenda item


To note the minutes of the Cabinet Meeting held on 18 September and 16 October, 2023.


Councillor Ball asked the following questions on the Cabinet Minutes:

1.      In relation to Minute No. 46 of Cabinet held on 18th September, 2023, Councillor Ball asked for an update in relation to the selection of Labour candidates for the 2024 local elections. He asked if the Leader could confirm if there were sitting Councillors, some of whom were Chairs etc., not able to sit again as Labour Councillors and if so what new information had come forward to deselect these Councillors and what confidence did it give to the residents of Rotherham that this was happening?


2.      In relation to Minute No. 65 of Cabinet held on 16th October, 2023, Councillor Ball stated that a group campaigning about cemeteries had been promised monthly meetings. He asked if this would be extended to all of the Borough as he understood that most local cemeteries were having issues and would welcome the chance to have monthly meetings to look at their problems?


3.      In relation to Minute No. 72 of Cabinet held on 16th October, 2023, Councillor Ball stated that every one of the fast charges that he had visited in the last month in Rotherham had either been vandalised or not working. In the Climate Working Group he had said that these would not be viable for Rotherham and that a forecourt way of doing things would provide jobs and would be better to provide security to these points. What had been done about this to save the taxpayers of Rotherham money and would the Leader pause the Cabinet decision for the electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure in Rotherham whilst this matter is looked in to? Councillor Ball also asked what had happened to the Climate Working Group; had it been disbanded?

4.      In relation to Minute No. 76 of Cabinet held on 16th October, 2023, Councillor Ball stated that it was good to see houses being built that catered for all in terms of accessibility. He asked the Leader whether he agreed that this should be the standard for any new housing being built in the Borough and for it not to be dismissed like in the case of the Planning Chair who informed him that it would cost too much and that developers would not do, casting out those who were disabled and needed these types of houses?


Councillor Tinsley asked:


1.      Are there any up-to-date figures on the number of inspections that have taken place in relation to selective licensing and was the Council sending out letters to properties to highlight ways to report any issues they might have with houses in selective licensing areas? 


In relation to the first question asked for Councillor Ball, the Leader stated that announcements on the selection of Labour candidates for the May 2024 local elections would be made in due course and he would not speculate on those processes.


In relation to the second question from Councillor Ball, the Leader stated that Councillor Ball had misunderstood and there were no monthly public meetings in relation to cemeteries with any group. There were a group of people who had expressed particular concerns in relation to Muslim burials and the Council had been working with that group over a period of time to try and resolve those issues. The Leader urged Councillor Ball to raise any concerns regarding cemeteries with the appropriate Cabinet Member or officers.


In relation to the third question from Councillor Ball, the Leader stated that Councillor Ball was entitled to his opinion about the best way of providing EV charges but confirmed that the decision taken by the Cabinet would not be halted. The decision had been made; it had been through the scrutiny process and had been available for call-in. The policies that had been agreed would be followed in a democratic and appropriate way.


In relation to the final question from Councillor Ball, the Leader stated that different homes were required by different people. The Leader was glad that the Council was putting money from its own resources into ensuring that there were more homes with appropriate access for people with mobility issues. However, that was clearly not necessary for everybody, and it would not be the thing to do for every single home. However, the Council continued to take those needs into account and provision had been made in new homes that were being brought forward.


In relation to the question from Councillor Tinsley, the Leader confirmed that he would provide a written response as he did not have the figures to hand.


Resolved:- That the reports, recommendations and minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 18th September and 16th October, 2023 be received.   


Mover: - Councillor Read                        Seconder: -  Councillor Allen

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