Agenda item

Learning Disability Strategy

Report from the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.




1.    That Cabinet approve the new Council Learning Disability Strategy (2024 – 2027).


Consideration was given to the report which sought approval of the Council’s Learning Disability Strategy 2024-2027. In March 2023, Cabinet had given approval from the service to co-produce a future vision and strategy for people with a learning disability. The report also outlined the outcome of a three-month period of engagement on the future vision, values, themes, and priorities.

Engagement took place from 12 July 2023 to 10 October 2023 to seek the views of people with a learning disability, their families, unpaid carers and partners on the future vision, values, themes, and priorities for people with a learning disability. The engagement was led by a consortium of organisations who worked with the Council. The consortium included Genuine Partnerships, Guiding Voices, Rotherham Parent Carers Forum and Speak Up.

Engagement principles were agreed with the consortium and five core areas of focus were identified. The five areas aligned with the previous Learning Disability Strategy for Rotherham, as well as Learning Disabilities England Good Lives Framework, and the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) pillars for young people preparing for adulthood. The five areas were:

  1. Education
  2. Employment
  3. Housing
  4. Health
  5. Community Inclusion

Respondents had also identified two overall priorities that were most important to them during the engagement process. These were to turn the Strategy into a longer-term strategy for people with learning disabilities and to provide better quality assurance that took account of what they said. Co-production was also vital. The Learning Disability Strategy therefore prioritised co-production and the voice of people with a learning disability. The Strategy would adopt the Four Cornerstone principles when working with people with a learning disability to deliver the Learning Disability Strategy priorities.

The Learning Disability Strategy and delivery of the priorities would be governed by the Learning Disability Partnership Board which was jointly chaired by the Lead Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and people with lived experience.

The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People stated that this was a very welcome report and confirmed that the voice of young people had been captured.



1.    That Cabinet approve the new Council Learning Disability Strategy (2024 – 2027).

Supporting documents: