Agenda item

Regeneration and Environment Directorate Risk Register


In accordance with Minute No. 43, Simon Moss, Assistant Director, Regeneration and Environment, presented an update in relation to the position of the red risks on the Regeneration and Environment Directorate Risk Register.  Also present was Sam Barstow, Assistant Director, Community Safety and Street Scene, and Polly Hamilton, Assistant Director, Culture, Sport and Tourism.


Since the register was last presented, one of the 4 risks was no longer red rated (R&E41 Delivery of the new Central Library and Markets to achieve regeneration aims in the Town Centre).  A report was to be considered by the 18th March Cabinet and would be re-assessed as amber.  It would continue to be monitored.


The remaining 3 red rated risks on the Directorate Risk Register were:-


-        Risk R&E 9 – Provide effective Home to School Transport

The risk had been reviewed and remained as it was.  It was an area that continued to be overspent but was not an area unique to Rotherham due to the ever increasing demand for this type of service nationally as well as the increasing complexity of the young people the service supported.  The level of overspend currently forecast resulted in high level scrutiny.  The structures in place had been reviewed to manage Home to School Transport and work programme.  The Working Group met every 3 weeks and reported into the Strategic Directors as well as the Leader and Cabinet Member with portfolio responsibility.


Good progress had been with the Independent Travel Training.


-        Risk R&E 51 – Good management of highway structures – specific risk for Centenary Way viaduct

A number of mitigations were in place as well as traffic management installed on the bridge to protect the central reservation from vehicle strikes.  It was inspected every day and the bridge structure monitored on a weekly basis.  Design work was now complete and work proposed to commence in the Summer lasting 3-4 months.


-        Risk R&E52 – Trees Service – Effective management of Council-owned trees

Following the Internal Audit report, a follow-up audit in January 2024 had given an opinion of Substantial Assurance with one recommendation which was on track for completion by the end of March.  Consequently the likelihood score had been reduced to 15.  The ongoing IT improvements would enable the tree inventory to be completed in December 2026 together with an escalation process to monitor progress and ensure that all the good work was embedded.  This would be finalised by March 2024.  There would be a further follow-up audit in December 2024 which would give an opportunity to monitor and check again that the new systems and processes introduced had been fully embedded. 


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


·        The programme of work in the SEND Sufficiency Strategy looked to deliver more resources locally and educate young people nearer to their own home.  This would mitigate some of the increasing costs of transporting young people to their educational provision

·        R&E9 was reviewed every 3 weeks to manage the operational programme of delivery as well as through the Directorate Leadership Team due to it being a significant risk.  The next review was due this month but had not decreased in the last 2 years as a result of the fact that while interventions and measures had been put in place, the demand continued to increase

·        Work would continue to explore all options and workstreams in order to try and manage the costs and run the service as efficiently as possible

·        Discussions did take place with SYMCA and SYPTE with regard to bus timetable changes

·        The slab failure on Centenary Way Viaduct had been an emergency situation and a complex piece of engineering work to understand and then to work with partners to design a solution.  Numerous discussions had taken place with Network Rail to understand the problems/implications for the railway line underneath


Simon, Sam and Polly were thanked for their attendance.


Resolved:-  That the progress and current position in relation to the red risk activity in Regeneration and Environment be noted.


(Appendix 1 was considered in the absence of the press and public in accordance with Paragraph 3  of the Act (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information/financial information)

Supporting documents: