Agenda item

Updated Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan

Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health, to present


Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Rotherham (all person suicides)

-        2020-2022 rate for Rotherham was 12.4 per 100,000 compared to 10.3 for England


What is working well in Rotherham

-        Male rate for suicide was now statistically similar at 12.4 per 100,000 to the average for England (10.3)

-        Continued promotion of Place Guidance document for staff and volunteers on responding to people at risk of suicide

-        Bespoke training for VSC organisations

-        Chronic pain workshop held with partners in February 2024

-        Suicide awareness training running for staff across Place from January to March 2024

-        RotherHive promoting additional topics such as pain management and mental health over the life course

-        Suicide awareness session in Safeguarding Awareness Week – November 2023

-        Refresh of the Sudden and Traumatic Bereavement Pathway for children and young people

-        Early Intervention and Prevention work – as evidenced in the Prevention Concordat application

-        Joint working with domestic abuse colleagues to look at actions for risk groups

-        Peer-to-peer support groups (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide, Andy’s Man Club and ASK)

-        Qwell and Kooth promoted to the public and staff


What is working well in South Yorkshire

-        Strong partnership working – all 4 local authorities, South Yorkshire Police, NHS and voluntary and community sector

-        New appointment for the South Yorkshire Police Suicide Prevention officer

-        Third memorial event for families bereaved by suicide in December 2023

-        Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide Groups (SOBS) operating well in all 4 local authority areas

-        Amparo will launch an all-age service in April 2024

-        Chilypep commissioned to explore models of peer support for young people

-        Chronic pain workshop in July 2024

-        Reducing access to means

-        Joint working on themes and addressing the needs of vulnerable and at risk groups


What are we worried about

-        Increasing pressure on individuals and families

-        Real time data has seen higher than usual numbers of suspected suicides in early 2024

-        Certain themes coming through the Real Time Data system

-        Rising numbers of female deaths to suicide

-        Launch of the Attempted Suicide Prevention Service


What needs to happen next and when

-        Staff to attend the suicide awareness training (January to March 2024)

-        Staff to complete Zero Suicide training if face-to-face training was not an option (ongoing)

-        Place guidance document to be updated (March 2024)

-        Launch of the Attempted Suicide Prevention Service (March 2024)

-        Promotion of Zero Suicide Alliance Training to the public (Spring 2024)

-        Targeted work on themes and vulnerable groups identified through real time data (ongoing)

-        Promotion of mental health support to children, young people and adults in Rotherham (ongoing)

-        Targeted communication campaigns as part of Be the One (Spring 2024)

-        Full review action plan to be completed by end of 2024


Discussion ensued with the following issues clarified:-


         It was a light refresh as the Local Framework for Local Areas was awaited from the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities

         The national strategy was issued in Autumn 2023.  Also awaiting for an update of the Office of National Statistics data and the National Framework expected Autumn this year

         National data up to December 2023 showed a slight increase in the number of female deaths

         Further research on suicide in women


Ruth was thanked for her presentation.


Resolved:-  That the update be noted.

Supporting documents: