To receive a verbal update on the SACRE Development Plan.
This agenda item provided an update on SACRE Development Plan. The following was discussed and noted:
· The Development Plan covered the period of April 2023- April 2024. The Plan was due to be revised next month.
· In relation to the first objective which was to develop RE subject knowledge for Rotherham primary teachers and subject leaders, subject meetings had been held three times during the year.
· In relation to the second objective which was to develop range of resources for use by schools, as discussed in minute No.4, the resources had been purchased and would be available to schools from the start of the summer term.
· In relation to the third objective which was to develop content for RE platform, this information had been uploaded throughout the year and a staff base was gradually being built.
· In relation to the fourth objective which was to review and carry out determinations for collective worship, there had not been any schools in the Borough that said that they were not carrying out acts of collective worship. This was not an area that was checked by Ofsted during inspections. It was advised that the schools governing body would be responsible for ensuring this requirement was fulfilled within a school. It was agreed that the Head of Service for Education would contact the Department of Education to clarify the process for reviewing determinations of collective worship.
· In relation to the fifth objective which was to increase SACRE membership, it was noted that the membership had increased over the academic year.
· In relation to the sixth objective which was to develop links with Sheffield and Doncaster SACREs, the Chair advised that they had met with the Vice-Chair of Sheffield SACRE and had also become a member of Doncaster’s SACRE. Sheffield and Doncaster SACRE were invited by the Chair to the South Yorkshire RE Conference and members of Sheffield SACRE attended the Conference. An email had been sent to Barnsley SACRE but no response was received.
· In relation to the seventh objective which was to develop a progression document which aligns to the Rotherham agreed syllabus, this had been facilitated as part of the RE Conference discussed in minute No. 5.
· In relation to the eighth objective which was to provide support to enhance provision in RE in schools, it was advised that Doncaster SACRE had started to develop an online directory and the Chair hoped to work alongside Doncaster SACRE to share best practice.
· In relation to the ninth objective which was to increase prominence of RE through the Rewards celebration, it was advised that there had been no interest in the REwards Ceremony to date, however this would be communicated through the next ROSIS newsletter. It was agreed the that each REward Ceremony category would offer individual or group contributions and examples would be provided to schools to ensure a greater understanding of each category. The following categories for the Rewards Ceremony were agreed by SACRE members:
1. Custody of the Earth
2. Outstanding Student
3. Values and Virtues
4. Standing Together.