Agenda item

Housing Related Support Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) Progress Report


Report from the Strategic Director for Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.




That Cabinet:


1.    Note the update on the establishment of the FPS for Housing Related Support Services as agreed by Cabinet in October 2022.


2.    Note the success of the work undertaken to date with the establishment of the FPS and subsequent procurement and contract award activity.


3.    Agree that a review will take place after the first 3 years of the Flexible Purchasing System, to establish that it remains fit for purpose, with recommendations brought to Cabinet in early 2027.


Consideration was given to the submitted report which provided an update on the Housing Related Support Pathway and the implementation of the Flexible Purchasing System to support one pathway for Housing Related Support in Rotherham.


Housing Related Support Services were non-statutory services that supported people experiencing homelessness, (or are at risk of becoming homeless), to live independently in the community. It was designed to support the Council’s efforts to alleviate and prevent homelessness.


This report, therefore, provided an update on actions taken to produce an agreed overarching service specification, co-designed with the market. It also described how this had been used to appoint experienced and skilled providers to the Flexible Purchasing System, which were able to support anyone at risk of homelessness, in a person-centred way.


The Flexible Purchasing System also allowed for timely access to the market, in the form of good quality and contractually compliant providers, to maximise future short-term grant funding opportunities which may become available in the future.


The re-commissioned Housing Related Support services have been developed alongside the market, and structured into the new pathway which created a single route into Housing Related Support, through the Council’s Housing Service. To award the contracts for the re-designed services, further competitions have been undertaken with the providers appointed to the Flexible Purchasing System.


The services would support people who were able to live independently, but due to a range of factors, required additional support to build the skills and resources to manage their own home. The service would provide accommodation in the short-term, and work in a multi-agency way to develop plans for ‘move on’ and enable people to live independently in their own home.


The service would offer a pathway to move on accommodation, enabling people to explore different housing options and developing a plan of how to get there.


As the current contracts become live from 1st July 2024, this would be continually monitored. This change was supported by a clear communications plan, led by the providers and supported by the Council.


Efforts were already showing positive results and the Cabinet Member was looking forward to collaborating with providers and partners to ensure Council housing related support service were developed.


Cabinet welcomed the opportunities to ease the pressures and concerns on homelessness accommodation and whilst it was still early days the strategy would support those individuals who were at risk, to prevent them from becoming homeless and provide help that could be tailored to their needs.


Cabinet Members were committed to working together across directorates to ensure the outcomes could be delivered across various aspects of services.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Commissioning pointed out the number of providers provided positive assurance and significant value for those homeless or at risk.  The Pathway provided the assurance and due diligence and the revised specification was fit for purpose for current need.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the update on the establishment of the Flexible Purchasing System for Housing Related Support Services as agreed by Cabinet in October 2022 be noted.


(2)  That the success of the work undertaken to date with the establishment of the Flexible Purchasing System and subsequent procurement and contract award activity be noted.


(3)  That a review take place after the first three years of the Flexible Purchasing System, to establish that it remains fit for purpose, with recommendations brought to Cabinet in early 2027.

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