Agenda item

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy


Report from the Strategic Director for Children and Young People’s Services.




That Cabinet:


1.    Approve consultation on the refreshed Rotherham SEND Strategy that has been co-produced with partners across the Borough.


2.    Agree to the refreshed SEND Strategy being presented back to Cabinet in late 2024 for formal approval prior to implementation.


Consideration was given to the submitted report which detailed how in order to support the future delivery of SEND services in Rotherham it was proposed to refresh the Rotherham SEND Strategy, vision and future priorities.


The report described in detail the changing regulatory expectations and current service position since the implementation of the previous SEND Strategy in 2019 and the conclusion of the Written Statement of Action following SEND Local Area Inspection in 2021.


The report also articulated a clear rationale for developing a new strategy.


The SEND Strategy had been co-produced with key stakeholders including children and young people and parents/ carers.  Plans were in place to start a conversation with the wider population, this would include further conversation with parents, carers, children, and young people about how best they could be supported to achieve the co-produced vision and outcomes.


Consultation events delivered with the Young Voices Group and Rotherham, Parent Carer Forum would enable young people, parent carers, leaders and front-line practitioners from health, education and care services including the private and voluntary sector, schools, and settings, to come together. The events would provide an opportunity to identify areas of strength when it came to experience of SEND and co-production, as well as suggestions for further development of the Strategy.


It was important that a refreshed vision and co- produced strategy for SEND services in the Borough was developed to reflect the changing environment and the current priorities for children, young people, parent/ carers and families in Rotherham.  A period of consultation and further engagement would support this. 


Co-production workshops and engagement with young people had highlighted the need for the new Rotherham SEND Strategy to be written in a format that enabled the children and young people to see how it would impact their lives. The outcome of the co-produced development was reflected in the language used to in the seven outcome statements:-


1.     I have a voice, and this is listened to and respected.

2.     I am as healthy as possible.

3.     I feel safe.

4.     I have help and support in a way that suits me.

5.     I have adults in my life who are supported to help me.

6.     I am supported to be as independent as possible and have a purposeful life.

7.     I belong and feel valued. 


Evidence from Rotherham Borough data had identified three areas that continued to have a significant impact on the health, well-being and educational access for Rotherham children and young people.  It was proposed they will become the focus of priorities within the SEND Strategy and would be referred to as commitments. 


The co-produced outcomes framework would enable children, young people, and families to understand the proposed impact of  actions and how this would be measured. 


The final Strategy following consultation would be brought back to scrutiny for consideration.


Cabinet noted the growing area of demand for services nationally and the impact on education in meeting complex needs compounded by the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis.  The pressure on families and children was immense, but only by understanding and addressing some of the issues could local authorities make a difference.


The Cabinet recognised the work “My Life and My Rights” and applauded the recognition and ambition within the SEND Strategy in Rotherham and suggested this be shared with other authorities.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process and full support was given to the recommendations, subject to the further recommendations on the following point below:-


·             Length of the consultation process with many organisations and partners including the Parent/Carer Forum.

·             Inclusion of a glossary to explain the data and information sources within the strategy would be beneficial and provide greater clarity.

·             Noting the percentage of children with sleep issues rises in children with special needs particularly children on the autism spectrum and children looked after and it was felt that the work being done regarding Sleep Pathways should be scrutinised further.


Cabinet was happy to accept the additional recommendations and noted the work already taking place about Sleep Pathways, but welcomed the opportunity for this to be considered further by the Health Select Commission.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the consultation on the refreshed Rotherham SEND Strategy that had been co-produced with partners across the Borough be approved.


(2)  That the refreshed SEND Strategy be presented back to Cabinet in late 2024 for formal approval prior to implementation.


(3)  That a glossary be included within the report/strategy going forward to explain the data and information sources used.


(4)  That an item regarding the work being done regarding Sleep Pathways be referred to the Health Select Commission for future consideration.

Supporting documents: