Agenda item

SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy for Rotherham 2024 - 2027


Report from the Strategic Director for Children and Young People’s Services.




1.    That Cabinet approve the Rotherham SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy (2024 – 2027).




Consideration was given to the report submitted which sought approval of the Rotherham SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy (2024 – 2027)


This Strategy underpinned the shared vision and principles for joint commissioning to achieve commitment to improving the outcomes and life chances of the children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


By adopting the Strategy, the Council would emphasise the recognition that all children and young people have individual strengths and needs and that services and provision need to be differentiated.


The SEND Code of Practise 2014 determined how local partners should work together to jointly commission services to meet local needs and support better outcomes. Joint commissioning was the process of meeting needs and improving outcomes through joint planning, agreeing and monitoring services across agencies.


The proposed Strategy, therefore, met the legislative, policy and regulatory requirement to describe how the Local Authority and its partner commissioning bodies engaged in joint commissioning arrangements and reflected the priorities defined in the draft outcomes framework.


Delivering our aspiration targets for young people.


Further information was provided on coherent joint working along the neuro development pathways and the resources being invested to meet the needs.


Resolved:-  That the Rotherham SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy (2024 – 2027) be approved.

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