Report from the Interim Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment.
1. That Cabinet approves the publication of the refresh of the Core Strategy five year review on the Council’s website.
2. That Cabinet approves public consultation on the Core Strategy Partial Update consultation draft.
Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on the five year review of the Local Plan Core Strategy that had been refreshed in light of
new legislation,
changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, Census 2021 and
other local policy changes. The review indicated that some policies
in the Core Strategy required updating for consistency with
national planning policy.
The Core Strategy Partial Update consisted of changes to planning
policies on housing, flood risk and water management, climate
change, improving public health, carbon reduction, and Social
Value. It reflected new Council policies introduced since the
current Core Strategy was adopted, such as the declarations on
climate emergency and nature crisis, and the priority of achieving
Social Value. An update of the infrastructure requirements to
support new growth was also included.
The five year review
had identified that Rotherham had sufficient housing sites
allocated that met the identified requirement. As such, the Council
was in a strong position with regards to the Local Plan. Public
consultation on the Core Strategy Partial Update would not include
a review of existing housing sites, nor would it seek suggestions
for new housing sites within the Borough. It would be limited to
the wording changes to those planning policies identified by the
five year review as requiring an update.
It was noted that
there could be changes to legislation and planning policy by the
new Government. Any changes that impacted upon the proposals
outlined would be subject of further reports to Cabinet.
Appendix 1 to the Core Strategy Partial Update was the technical
focus of the consultation. It provided a “track
changed” version of each policy to be updated, showing the
changes that would apply from the Council’s preferred option
given in section 4. Views were sought on the specific wording
changes to each policy and the replacement of the Infrastructure
Delivery Schedule in the Core Strategy with an updated schedule to
reflect the 2021 Infrastructure Delivery Study. A summary of the
main changes to the Core Strategy policies was at paragraph 2.13 of
the report.
Subject to Cabinet approval, public consultation in line with
legislation and the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement would
be undertaken of the Core Strategy Partial Update for a period of six weeks
from August to September 2024. The consultation would be carried out online using the Council’s Local Plan consultation website.
Supporting documents: