Agenda item

Notes of a meeting of the Rotherham Town Deal Board held on 21st February, 2024


Rotherham Town Deal Board

Via Microsoft Teams

21 February 2024, 8.45am-10.00am

Attended By:

Neil Baxter, NB (Chair)

Councillor Denise Lelliott – DL

Ray Kinsella, Great Places – RK

Steve Morris, Signs Express – StM

Ryan Shepherd, SYMCA – RS

Paul Harper, DWP – Pha

Tracey Mace-Akroyd, RNN Group - TMA

Sarah McLeod, WW – SMc

David Sutton, Maltby Academy - DS

Paul Woodcock, RMBC – PW

Simon Moss, RMBC – SMo

Tim O’Connell, RIDO RMBC – TOC

Lorna Vertigan, RIDO RMBC – LV

Simon Powell, RIDO RMBC – SP

Joel Hamer, RIDO RMBC – JoH

David Plumtree, VAR – DP

Katie Davis, Crossroads Care – KD

David Trevis-Smith, WW – DTS

Andy Boulton, Neighbourhoods, RMBC – AB

Carrie Sudbury, BRCC – CS





Project Officers Attended:

Rory Battye, RMBC - RB

Dejan Ajzenkol, RMBC – DA

Megan Hinchliff, RIDO RMBC- MH

Catherine Davis, RIDO RMBC – CD

Maria Smith, RIDO RMBC – MS

Nicola Glynne-Jones, RIDO RMBC – NGJ

James Green, RIDO RMBC - JG



Sarah Champion MP – SC

Jacquie Falvey, Sarah Champion’s office – JF

John Healey MP – JHe

Greg Kuczmaida, John Healey’s office - GK

Alexander Stafford MP – AS

Sophie Dack, Alexander Stafford’s office - SD

Stuart Kerr, Wilmott Dixon – SK

Peter Hill , HMP Bespoke Construction – Phi

Lucy Mitchell, RIDO RMBC – LM

Vicki Norman, RIDO RMBC – VN

Simeon Leach, RIDO RMBC – SL

Raife Gaile, Muse Developments – RF

Keely Beighton, Never Average Marketing – KB

Lizzie Dealey, CRT – LD

Nikki Jones, AMRC – NJ

Deborah Bullivant, Grimm & Co – DB

Justin Homer, BIES/CLGU – JH

Sam Townsend, BIES/CLGU – ST

Lisa Pogson, Airmaster – LP

Kevin Tomlinson, Magna – KT

Julie Dalton, Gullivers – JD


Action Points:

·        NB asked anyone else who would like to be involved in Long Term Plan for Towns sub-group to contact JoH.

·        JoH to circulate guidance for Long Term Plan for Towns boards following the meeting.



Apologies for Absence, Declarations of Interest and Confidentiality Reminder

Apologies listed above.

Members were reminded of the confidentiality of the information discussed at these meetings.

Members were asked to declare any interests in the Pathfinder programme or projects.

StM declared an interest in signage.









Matters Arising from the Minutes of the last meeting held on 10 January 2024

The minutes were accepted as a true record.





Long Term Plans for Towns

LV presented on the Long Term Plan for Towns and stated that by April the board need to create an engagement plan, and that there is an opportunity to expand the board. LV stated that we have started thinking about some of the consultation due to purdah and election period and tight timescales after April. LV stated that the Town Deal board at present probably isn’t the correct forum, and as such it is suggested that a Task and Finish sub-group be established to focus on this task. Alongside this, an internal task and finish group would be established. 

LV raised a few topics for discussion including the role of the board, role of the council, potential expansion, and sub group membership.

NB explained that long term plan is £20m of funding over a 10-year period which is endowment style funding. This focuses on three broad investment themes: safety and security; high street, heritage and regeneration; and transport and connectivity. NB mentioned that police and other high-level representation will need to be added to the board. Between April and the beginning of August the board need to submit a 10-year vision with a 3-year investment plan and define the area to be covered.

PW stated that 25% of the funding is revenue which is unusual and good news. Safety focused investments tend to be more revenue based and this is a common issue raised by people who use the town centre. 

NB stated that we need something additional to this board for this to start moving forward quickly. 

LV stated that conversations have begun around consultation and the sub-group should be established before the beginning of April. 

NB asked whether anyone wants to be on the sub-group.

SM, TMA, DP, StM put their hands up. NB asked anyone else who would like to be involved to contact JoH

DP asked about police involvement and offered link in with Safer Rotherham Partnership. NB stated that it mentionshigh ranking officers from the police.

LV questioned whether guidance has come out to the board and whether a note needs to be sent to the board summarising what the board needs to do.  JoH to circulate guidance following the meeting.



























Project Updates:

Riverside Residential Quarter

RB stated that comments from planning say that a 10m buffer zone is required from the river wall to any build development. Since the last meeting they have had a piling workshop. Looking to split out water lane works to commence prior to Riverwalk. 


Leisure & Cultural Quarter

RB stated that signed contracts have been exchanged with CR Reynolds and first stage of construction will run until July 24. Over the next 5 months a construction programme will be developed by contractor aiming for start in Summer.


30 – 36 Corporation Street

RB stated that concerns were raised with the owners but that they are still keen on developing the scheme; they want to do this in a phased approach with the bank first and the costa building to follow. A programme has been requested to back up the delivery of this scheme and timescales, but nothing returned. The council is therefore preparing a brief to give a deadline for information.

The board agreed to proceed by giving the owners a short deadline. Feedback to be provided to the board on response from owners. Alongside this, look into other options for taking this project forward.


3 – 7 Corporation Street

MS stated that CPO concluded at the start of February which formally concludes the process. Asbestos survey results have been received but 3-5 was not accessible so this is being treated as contaminated waste. Vegetation removal has taken place. The tender for the demolition contractor went out on the 5th February. Also on site is a contractor to remove debris and improve site security. Application to natural England for bat license now required. As mentioned previously the developer procurement failed so further options are being looked at for this to become part of the wider package. 



LV stated that Templeborough is due to cabinet in March. Still awaiting legal agreement from RMBC, if this aligns Henry Boot should start on site in May.

Town Centre Music Venue

MH commented that it was previously agreed to move the venue across to the Alma. Stated that a few steps need to be undertaken before we know whether the project is viable. 

DP raised a concern with previous sites falling through due to feasibility and concerns about making this venue viable. Also stated that other venues are potentially interested, and it may be worth looking at these. Raised concern about the grade 2 listing of the building. 

LV stated that contact has been made regarding other music venues in the town centre and this is worth considering through other funding streams. Also stated that we’re looking at a strategy with culture given there is so much interest in music within the town centre, and we need to work out how to pull all this together. 

RK queried whether the Alma proposal involves both buildings or just the Alma, and also questioned whether there is a proposal for residential around the building which may compromise feasibility. 

LV stated that the council own both buildings. The Cutlers already run a successful music business out the back of the venue. The public are wanting this to continue and not be jeopardised by the residential. LV stated that the rear of the building needs to go but would look to maintain the front. What we are looking at is to provide something at the rear of both buildings to keep the music scene going.

RK also commented that a nighttime strategy may be important which SMo stated could fall under Long term plan for towns. 

DP mentioned age and change legislation - the residential development may need to take into account the music venue rather than the other way round which may inflate costs. 

TMA commented that students would like to be involved in this. 


Eastwood/Parkgate Bridge

DA stated that the design has been sent to procurement to get a design consultant. It is still being established whether the change in ownership happened on Parkgate parking and new asset managers. The timeline has slipped by a couple of months as they are still waiting for the design consultant to be procured. 


Eastwood Play Area

NGJ stated that the tender went out to market in January and enquiries have come to extend deadline by 1 week - this is now the 6th March. Following this, proposals will be presented to ward members and cabinet members with contract awarded by 27th April with expected commencement on site of 18th May. NGJ stated that the local community are happy with the proposals.


Mainline Station

MS stated that final option for masterplan is now being determined - this is the 20-year vision for area surrounding the station. Final design options are now being costed to feed into the business case which is due for submission in the summer. Currently understanding the assurance processes that need to take place before final business case can go ahead. At the transport for the north conference there was a mention of the new station.



Pocket Park/Snail Yard

NGJ stated that they are hoping to have a legal agreement in place for the access onto Snail Hill. Internal review is currently taking place on the design which will be completed by the end of this week for internal design team to bring back a work programme. 

NB raised that there was a previous comms issue. NGJ stated that once a start date is in place there will be a letter drop and also conversations with all of the local businesses. 














































































Wentworth Woodhouse

SMc stated that they are making good progress, gap funding has been awarded from UKSPF. An additional historic England grant has been awarded to add back in building repairs that were previously omitted and some of the UKSPF money will be needed to match against this. 


Maltby Academy

DS stated that there are 7 weeks until project completion. Another quarter of a million will be spent on works outside of the contract e.g. parking. Local businesses have committed to office spaces and hot-desking spaces are going to be available. Buy a brick scheme took place. Local heritage project taking place with university of Sheffield to build in some history into the building. 


Rotherham Markets & Library

JG stated that the main works contract is in the process of being agreed. Handover of the outdoor covered market happened in the last couple of weeks giving 50% of the site over to the contractor to begin works. 


Rother Valley Country Park

RB stated that final design and cost plan has been submitted which internal QS team are looking through. Looking for completion of August 2025 with contract award expected May 24 and start on site expected June 24. 


Thrybergh Country Park

NGJ stated that a value engineering exercise has taken place with a rescoping exercise being undertaken to bring the project within budget. 




Finance Update

SP stated that we are around £430,000 down on where we expected to be spend-wise at the end of quarter 3, and expect to be around £1.3m down on expected spend within pathfinder. 





Town Centre Regeneration Promotion

CD stated that the arc and Travelodge will be attending on Friday for a recruitment event which has had a lot of interest online. PR and media event to take place on 14th March. There is also now some signage up on Market Street to show what the site used to look like along with some history. 

Posts about the Rotherham markets have been seen by almost 275,000 people. 

Consultation complete on corporation street and upper mill gate. 

Rotherham voice is happening on the 6th March. 




Any Other Business

NB raised that the link for long term plan for towns will be shared with board members following the meeting. 

NB raised that the ToR were sent in the briefing pack and that only small changes were made to bring them in line with Pathfinder.




Date of next meeting:  26 March 2024 – 08:45 to 10:00 on Teams




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