Agenda item

Council Building Decarbonisation Programme


Report from the Interim Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services.




It is recommended that Cabinet:


1.    Approve the further use of the Council’s Decarbonisation Capital Budget for the original five buildings to a total value of up to £2,321,985. This could be reduced if the project moves at a greater pace than expected.


2.    Approve a further allocation of up to £1,000,000 for the connection costs of the District Heat Network to Council buildings from the Council’s Decarbonisation Capital Budget, should Officers not agree and finalise funding via PSDS.


3.    Approve entering into negotiations, with the organisation which submitted a bid, within the parameters of procurement law to achieve the best value for money with the intention to connect the five buildings to a heat network and subsequently enter into a supply agreement, if financially feasible.


4.    Approve feasibility, scoping and costs estimate work to be carried out on the additional four buildings and to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Property and Facilities Services in consultation with the Strategic Director, Finance & Customer Services and Cabinet Member for Transport, Jobs and the Local Economy to allocate necessary funds from the Capital Programme, subject to satisfactory feasibility and project review.


5.    Delegate the authority for award and any necessary technical changes to the above scope of works of the nine buildings listed above to the Assistant Director of Property and Facilities Services in consultation with the Strategic Director, Finance & Customer Services and the Cabinet Member for Transport, Jobs and the Local Economy.


Supporting documents: