Report from the Interim Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment.
That Cabinet approve:
The delivery of the Wath Principal Areas of Growth
project within the budget and scope as detailed in Appendix
2. Confirmation of the provisional allocation of £1m of the Towns & Villages Fund to works at Wath.
Consideration was given to the report which reported on the progress made since July 2023 on the Wath Projects scheme. Approval was sought to proceed with implementation of the project and confirmation was sought regarding the provisional allocation of £1 million of the Towns and Villages Fund (in addition to the £8.94m previously agreed) to support the regeneration of Wath.
Following Cabinet
approval to accept the grant and proceed in July 2023, the Council
had developed the scheme feasibility and design as outlined in
Appendix 1. The proposed Scheme included demolition of the existing
library and the creation of a brand-new library to create a modern,
inviting, and inclusive community facility. The redevelopment was
being designed to enhance the visitor experience between Biscay Way
and the High Street to encourage visitors into the town
The redevelopment would deliver facilities of a modern standard,
with sustainable and inclusive design. It would also tackle
persistent anti-social behaviour issues through the enclosure of
the residential staircase and public passageway that ran between
the library and the adjacent residential and commercial block. This
intervention would make the staircase accessible to residents of
the block only through a private entry system. With the majority of
the block in Council ownership, the new enclosed staircase would be
managed by RMBC Housing services.
The Scheme was proposed subject to full planning permission. An
application for planning permission would be made in Summer 2024. A
RIBA Stage 3 compliant cost plan had been developed and a breakdown
of the capital and revenue financial implications of the scheme was
included at Appendix 2.
The Scheme was now sufficiently developed to commence the
procurement of a contractor, completion of a detailed design and
proceed to the delivery on site. The report sought Cabinet approval
to implement the project within the scope and budget outlined in
Appendix 2. Any material variation to this would be subject to
further Cabinet approval.
That Cabinet
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