Report from the
Assistant Chief Executive.
1. That Cabinet receives the report and considers the following recommendations:
i. School Effectiveness:
a) That the support pathways available for preparation for adulthood for children and young people with SEND in mainstream education, in both the early years and post sixteen settings is reviewed to identify any areas that may require further focus and developments.
b) That education pathways relating to preparation for adulthood for children with SEND are reviewed, ensuring clear communication of the pathways to parents and carers.
ii. Inclusion and Communities:
a) That information relating to the support available to parents and carers within communities is developed, enabling a seamless service that supports and empowers parent carers.
b) That the feedback from the Autism Strategy Consultation is reflected in the support offer available, to ensure children and young people feel safe within their communities, at school and online.
c) That there is a further focus on enhancing equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in relation to this area of activity, with a particular focus on improving engagement levels with children and young people with SEND in communities, such as the Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) and Roma-Slovak Communities.
iii. Communication:
a) That established networks and partnerships, such as the Rotherham Parent Carers’ Forum, are further embedded, to increase awareness raising and increase the number of SEND families that are engaged and reached in the Borough.
That the process relating to Education, Health and
Care Plans is reviewed to ensure the young person’s voice is
present throughout the process.
2. Cabinet agree to respond to the recommendations by December 2024 in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.
was given to the report which outlined
the outcomes from theImproving Lives Select Commission’s
spotlight review on preparation for adulthood, in relation to
children and young people with Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities (SEND).
Preparation for adulthood (also known as transition) was the
process by which young people who needed support or care, moved
from services provided exclusively for children, to services
provided for those over the age of 18, aiming to ensure a seamless
transition. The Local Government Association described successful
preparation for adulthood as “A successful transition from
children’s and young people’s services to adult care
services and support, needs the young person, their families, and
professionals to work together with the young person at the centre
of discussions.” Legislation gave local authorities a legal
responsibility to co-operate, and to ensure that all the correct
people worked together to get the transition right for a young
The purpose of the review was to assess what measures were in place
at that point in time, to support successful preparation to
adulthood for young people in Rotherham with SEND and where
required, to identify any potential gaps in provision or areas
requiring further focus.
The review group consisted of the following members: Councillor
Lyndsay Pitchley (Chair;) Councillor Wendy Cooksey (Vice-Chair;)
Councillor Tony Griffin; Councillor Maggi Clark; and Councillor
Taiba Yasseen. The review itself took place over a single
afternoon, with many partners present to provide a range of
perspectives and information.
The key lines of enquiry (KLOEs) were set out in paragraphs 2.16 to
2.19 and were: Partnership Working; School Effectiveness and
Education Pathways; Inclusion and Communities; and Communication.
Details of the discussion points were included in paragraph 2.20 of
the report.
Councillor Cusworth, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People,
welcomed the Scrutiny review. She confirmed that she met regularly
with the Rotherham Parent Carer Forum and the Black Asian Minority
Ethic Young People’s Group and she would discuss the
recommendations with them.
Cabinet were asked to consider the outcomes of the review and
provide a response to the recommendations by December 2024.
That Cabinet receives the report and considers the following
School Effectiveness:
That the support pathways available for preparation for adulthood
for children and young people with SEND in mainstream education, in
both the early years and post sixteen settings is reviewed to
identify any areas that may require further focus and
That education pathways relating to preparation for adulthood for
children with SEND are reviewed, ensuring clear communication of
the pathways to parents and carers.
Inclusion and Communities:
That information relating to the support available to parents and
carers within communities is developed, enabling a seamless service
that supports and empowers parent carers.
That the feedback from the Autism Strategy Consultation is
reflected in the support offer available, to ensure children and
young people feel safe within their communities, at school and
That there is a further focus on enhancing equality, diversity, and
inclusion (EDI) in relation to this area of activity, with a
particular focus on improving engagement levels with children and
young people with SEND in communities, such as the Black Asian
Minority Ethnic (BAME) and Roma-Slovak Communities.
That established networks and partnerships, such as the Rotherham
Parent Carers’ Forum, are further embedded, to increase
awareness raising and increase the number of SEND families that are
engaged and reached in the Borough.
b. That the process relating to Education, Health and Care Plans is reviewed to ensure the young person’s voice is present throughout the process.
2. That Cabinet agree to respond to the recommendations by December 2024 in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.
Supporting documents: